Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support


This has probably more to do with me being a Joomla (2.5) novice than with your template, but I am having a problem with the column layout.

I am trying to create a 3-column lay-out (using the premium version). I have modules on positions 12 and 15, and would like one main article on position 13/14, and any other articles on 20/23.

However, the page seems to be divied up in two columns, on the top row taken up by positions 12 and 15.
The three articles I have published appear to be on positions 40, 20/21, and 22/23.


I want:

| module 1 | Article 1 | Module 2|
|------------+---------+----------+--------+ |
| module 3 | article2|article 3 |article4 | ... |

I get:

| module 1 | module 2 |
| article 1 | article 2| article 3|

I tried to fix this by changing the settings on the main menu layout options, but this has no effect whatsoever.
Leaving the fields blank should revert to the global configuration, but I can't find any setting higher in hierarchy than my main menu.
Hi Frentrop,
Try the following:
1. create a menu item with type of 'Featured Articles'
2. in 'Layout Options panel put 'Leading Articles' to 1, 'Intro Articles' and 'Columns' to 3.
3. publish your modules in positions 40/44 (left side column) and 45/49 (right side column)

Hope it will help you.
Regards, AS Team.

I got an upgrade today to my Firefox 11 and now the icon menu in the topnavbar displays vertically instead of horizontally.


IE and Opera display the menu as intended.

Not sure what the deal is here. I don't see anything weird in the css and some quick experiments with the editor yielded no results.

Now I did add an extra button to the icon menu, but I don't see how this is a contributing factor (at least I tried changing the #topnavbar's width and that didn't help any).

While we're on the subject, any chance you guys can provide some additional button images (in my case a login one)?
Well, it turns out the problem is in what Firefox now sees as "inline style sheet #12".

Setting the width fixes the issue:

#header .row1 #topnavbar .menu,
#header .row1 #topnavbar .custom
width: 140px; /* <<<< FIX
float: right;

(140 being the min. width for for four buttons [4*35]).

I think Mozilla missed the ball on this one.
Hello frentrop,
Sorry, we don't have login ico, it have to be created by our designer, if you interested you have to contact us through the "Our Services" page, our services are not free.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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