Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

How can I change the copyright information in the first page?

I would like to substitute one item there. Is it possible?
Hello TOMGIL001,

Sorry, not quite understand your problem, can you please let us know more info, as well please provide with an URL?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

I would like to change footer copyright information in the template. I didn´t find the place. The information used by the template is not located in language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini
and the footer module is inactive.
Where can I find the archive that contains the information Copyright © date sitename used by the template?
Thanks in advance.
Tom Gil
I forgot to send the URL

I wanna change the copyright information at the bottom right - Copyright © 2012 Aves de Água

The footer module of Joomla that shows the Joomla! copyright information is unpublished.

Hello TOMGIL001,

You should change Your Site Name for "Aves de Ague" in site/global configuration .

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
I know that, it's not the site name that I want to change. I want to substitute the word Copyright and use Creative Commons and write more things. I would like, also, to put the link for the type of license in Creative Commons.
How can I do that?
Which archive does have this information? It is not in the usual archive used in joomla - language/en-GB/en-GB.mod_footer.ini

Could you help me?
Thanks in advance.
Hello TOMGIL001,
You have to edit the template's index.php file, please look for the following:

<div id="trademark">
Copyright &copy; <?php echo date('Y'); ?> <?php echo $app->getCfg('sitename'); ?>

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks a lot.
By the way, congratulations for the template. Very good.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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