Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support

the qickstart no work, it take longtime to installation , i do not understand?????
Hello MSD2017,
Do you have any error messages?

Regards, AS Team.

There is no error message, when I launch the installation in localhost, the progress bar stops at 50%, and it is now 5 hours that it is like this, normally the quickstart does not take so much time.
Hello MSD2017,
What PHP version do you have? Did you try to install it on live server?
5 hours is too much, it should be done in few minutes.

Regards, AS Team.
Extension Installer : Un autre template utilise déjà le répertoire du nom de : C:\wamp64\www\black/templates/as002033. Tentez-vous d'installer à nouveau la même extension ?

Template : erreur à l'installation
Hello MSD2017,
It means the template is already installed, you have to uninstall it first.

Regards, AS Team.
php version is 5.6.25
Hello MSD2017,
Did you try to install it on live server? Unfortunately, because you are trying to install the package on your localhost we cannot see the problem and cannot help you, try to install it on live server please.

Regards, AS Team.
i resolve the probleme in localhost
in php i put max_execition_time to 400
in the max_upload_size in 8M
thank you
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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