Joomla! Template 002033 - Item Support


first of all thank you for this great template ! Very nice looking !
I have two questions:
1-how do I change the width of the template ? On a full-HD screen, it only uses around half of the screen (centered with black columns left & right).
I could not find this in the parameters...

2-I set all menus to "registered". So when a user reaches my website, he only gets the "Login Form", which is what I want. However, I have now two login forms visible. I think the "Login Form" provided with the template (with the 'create account') that I can place where I want via its module, but also what I think is the default Joomla "Login" (this one only for login, no create account, located in the middle of the page).
How do I get rid of this Joomla! "Login" to only see the "Login Form" ?

Thank you !
1. We are sorry, there is no such parameter, the template has fixed size.
2. We have to see the page, can you please provide us with your site URL? Have you disabled the login module in the Menu Assignment panel of the module?

Regards, AS Team.

thanks for your feedback.
Concerning the "Login Form": searching on the web, I found out that this "login form" in the middle of the page is the 'fallback' page of Joomla! when it comes to a restricted page. To avoid this and only get one "Login Form" in the left column on my home page, I have created a 'public' welcome message that is displayed on the website (instead of this Joomla! login).

Concerning the template width: I assume it would be possible to change the settings in the index.php or the rss files. I tried that but things were moving around, not really extending the template width. Could you give some guidance on which values to change in which files ?

Thank you.
In case to change the size you have to create your own css and add it the index.php file before the </head> closing tag.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
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