Joomla! Template 002035 - Item Support

Hello, I have problem to access the sub-menu layout that I bought. It accesses only if I'm already in the menu that has the sub-menu. I tested in chrome and IE, both had the same problem. Would that regardless of whether or not to enter the menu, move the mouse to have it show the sub-menu. Can you tell me what to edit to enable this procedure? Thank you!
Please check the following page, step 7:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, Thank you for your previous answer!
One last question, on the demo site of your company, the footer is "OUR LOCATION" in the lower right corner. I'm trying to leave with the location information of my company. However to define the position is necessary to create a module, and when I create the module there is only the option "New> module type> Menu" then I select the menu that has the article with my location. But it shows a link to see the article and not the article directly (as it is on your site). I know how to display the contents of the article at the bottom (my address) and not the Menu for my address.
You have to create a custom HTML module, for more info please see the following page, paragraph:
Position-53 (Custom HTML - Footer - Our Locations)

Regards, AS Team.
Hello! Thank you! I requested to move the "Positions 12, 13, 14 and 15" down the text on all pages. The default position it is below the menu. I would put the following text (article) on all pages! Is it possible?
Please it's important.
Sorry, not quite understood the problem, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
In the demo version there are some fields named "Our services", "Our Stuff" and "our Locations" . I need to drag them down so the field "Welcome to our site" would go up . This way the "welcome to our site" would be above the other fields . What I need to do is the opposite of what it is now . "Our services" "our Stuff" and "our locations" would go down and "welcome to our site" would go up. To make it clear, I need the "welcome to our site" to be the first thing after the image slider.
Sorry, there is no such option, in case to put content/text between the slider and positions 12-15 you should have some position, this template doesn't have it. It should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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