Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Hi there,

I am trying to change the position of the menu you see on the home page (not the splash page). I assigned position 45 to it as looking at the xml this is what it looks like in the column assignments (right)

It is fine for pages like

but on the home page it is still placed on the right.

I also tried disabling the positions 20 and 24 .. but still menu is sowing on the left..

Could someone be so ind to let me know how to shift this menu to the right of the page?

We have to see this issue, please provide us with your site URL, currently it is offline.

Regards, AS Team.
ops .. sorry about that .. you can access the site now..


Let me know as it is driving me crazy !
You have to change the location parameter using the Template Configuration Parameters -> Side Columns Configuration Parameters -> Right Column.

Regards, AS Team.
:-) yep indeed it works!! I am a fool
by the way since we are here.. I was wondering if i could install some other menu to replace the existing one.. I would like to have transparent dropdowns.

Also when do you think a responsive version will be around for this one?

Thanks !!
sorry.. me again.
I have managed, using swmenu to get more or less what I would like.
I have one more question though.
How comes the style for the swmenu is not applied correctly.
I can still see some "green leaf" icons to the left of the menu items and I am not sure where on the css this is defined since the home menu (main menu) is not swmenu enabled in position 1. I disabled "top" but still the small icons are showing.
Could you let me know what I am missing here?

many thanks in advance

Sorry, we are not able to provide free support for third-party extensions, you have contact the extension developer or ask for our services.

Regards, AS Team.
one note: on the template you have a few spelling errors..
in the template ---> "general configuration parameters"

you have written pUttern repeating instead of pAttern repeating


Thank you for noticing about this problem, we will fix it in the next version.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there, thank you for the response..

I will check with the third party extension guys.
In the meantime could you let me know at least how to get rid of the style list for the topmenu as I cannot find where this is defined.

I would like to get rid of the small icons showing in the menu (leaf icon.. )
I looked at the menu manager and menu type but cannot make much sense of the logic..

Also on the template it is not very clear what position 1 and position 0 are ..

any help appreciated.

It should be defined in some place in the extension, as we told you have ask for the extension developer to help you.

For the template module positions please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,

just a quick note to let you guys know i managed to fix. I had to check the css files for the menu and after a bit of tweaking I managed to get rid of the list icons on the menu.

Another suggestion ... on the configuration page for the template you have another spelling mistake.. in the slider configuration :
HoriSontal should be horiZontal ... fyi.

Hi there,

As i purchased the premium version I would like to get at leaast a couple of things straight:

1: the template uses nivo-slider but there is no way to understand why when installing the original nivo-slider from the developers it does not work ... this is rather weird.

could someone explain what is needed to get the extension working properly and not with the very reduced set of options provided in the custom template module.

If anything could you at least tell me how to disable the template nivo slider so I can use the developer version?

I re-install everything and even without the third party menu extension the slider won't show.

Really appreciated
Many thanks
In this template we are using customized version of Nivo slider which is specially designed for the current template only.
In case to have any extension working you have to make some customization.
To disable the slider please use the Template Configuration Parameters -> Slider Configuration Parameters -> Show slider.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there,
Can someone help understand how I can add a second image to display at the top right corner as well as the bottom left.

The template parameters allow for additional images .. but after adding a few I can only see one of them in the background..

Any help appreciated.

Hi there,

one more question as I have tried a bunch of solutions with css and got nowhere..

on the page
I would like to have the sidebar menu (on the right) looking like the menu on the top .. only vertical.

Is there a way I can style this to look the same?

Also for some reason the social icons at the bottom of the page are only showing vertically .. when they should be horizontal.. i did not change that ..

any help really appreciated ..

Did you try to publish the menu in the menu module position 45? On which page we can see it?

For the social icons please create a custom html module and use the following code as example:

<div class="social">
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Facebook" title="Facebook" width="30" height="30" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Twitter" title="Twitter" width="30" height="30" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="LinkedIn" title="LinkedIn" width="30" height="30" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Blogger" title="Blogger" width="30" height="30" /></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="MySpace" title="MySpace" width="30" height="30" /></a>

Regards, AS Team.
Hi there .. many thanks for your reply :-)
Actually I just styled the existing menu with CSS and that appear to be working fine.

I will try your solution for the social icons and let you know how it goes.
Hi there,

I am still fixing some issues with the template and I was wondering if anyone could give me a hand understanding how to make the side menu
scroll down with the page (float )

I tried using position:fixed but the menu then sticks to the bottom of the page .. and using padding or margin does not fix it ..

It should be stopping at the gallery. (or the first content holder encountered below)

(see here for example : )

pm me for user and password


It should be done with javascript, you can try to find some extension with the scroll feature.

Regards, AS Team.
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