Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

Hy As templates ... I didn˝t manege to upload quickstar package directly on server or on localhost aswell... because shows the problem: the file is not complete and can not be unpacked.

Then I instal Joomla on server, then I instal template 002036, then I instal mod_as_menu .,... and I have this kind of problem :(((((((

Can you help me ???????

Best rigards

Hello VANCA042,
What Joomla version do you have, the template responsive version is compatible with Joomla 3 only.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok ...No problem ... I will try with 3.0... tnx .... but I wontetd to ask you aswell ... wher I can find template documentation like : modul positions, tipes of CSS Sufiks Moduls ..... ???? Tnx in advace

Best regards

Hello VANCA042,

Template installation:

Module Positions:

Regards, AS Team.
Every thing looks fine on 3.0 v ersion ... tnx very much ;)
Then you do not see well, or you system works very badly, because I have a paypal confirm that I am, I bought your template. Where I can send it ????? On atach an image ????
Hello VANCA042,
Our system works good, you asked questions under another account, please don't say such bad words about our system.

Regards, AS Team.
I sent you payment comformation on
Hello VANCA042,
Sorry, we don't have such email.

Regards, AS Team.
Can I get any answer from you ???????? Costumer support ???? Hello ???? Anything ????? On 07.12.2013 I bought your template ... I have PayPal

on my email ....

Dec 7, 2013 03:03:00 PST
Transaction ID: XXXX7785CH351XXXX

002036 - Joomla! 3 Bootstrapped Template - Regular License
$24.00 USD 1 $24.00 USD

So 10 day ago I send to you one simple question, so I cant get any aswer from you ???? This is way how you treate treat your clients ????
Hello VANCA042,
Before sending any message please be sure you are using correct AS account. The colors you can change by editing 'style.default.css' file, the file can be found in the 'css' folder.

Regards, AS Team.
In Css ??? Realy ??? Tnx !!! You really help me a lot !!!
Ok on which account did you recive paypal pament on

Dec 7, 2013 03:03:00 PST
Transaction ID:07967785CH3512803

On Vana042 account or Vanca042 account ???
Hello VANCA042,
You can easy check it by preview your account, the account 'Vana042' doesn't have any purchased items, account 'Vanca042' has one item: 002036

Regards, AS Team.
I accidentally wiped something in side of tamplate manager and now I can not see the green background or name of the module on the front page ... You can help me with this or ..... ??


Hello VANCA042,
Such kind of requests should be checked by our developers, we are not able to provide customization services for free, you can ask for our services using the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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