Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support


submenu separator does not display , I have the div but not the text

if menu item is a link , it works, but i do not want it as a link, just a separator.
Can You please provide us with an access to your site? We have to see the problem. You can send the username and password using Contact Us page:

Regards, AS Team.
i did it this morning.
the "notify me when a comment is posted never worked"
In which menu do you have the separator?

Regards, AS Team.
in menu in top
why don't you ask me in direct ?
and go on the site ?
i thought there was no reponse to my question

(notify me does not work)
We can't see your site, looks like it is down. We need to know what is the menu name and in which module position it is published.
Regarding the notification email, it was send to you, please check your spam folder.

Regards, AS Team.
there is a bug in free version :
module.php display an awful code : < class="moduletable "> before

change in line 33
$html = "<{$moduleTag} class=\"moduletable {$moduleclassSfx} {$moduleClass}\">";
$html = "<div{$moduleTag} class=\"moduletable {$moduleclassSfx} {$moduleClass}\">";
If I enable 2 as-menu modules, it comes with a 500 error
If I want two menus, I have to find another module ...
i had installed free version in joomla3 to test before migrating from 2.5
so, I bought premium version, and installed it, but at least i do not see sliders options as there was in 2.5 ...
could you help me please ?
The slider for Joomla 3.x is completely different, the slider documentation you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
I was speaking about the slide show in the template.
In 2.5 template, there was a tab with the slides, and not in joomla3 template
Sorry, in Joomla 3 template there is no such tab anymore. The template and Joomla starting from version 3 moved under Bootstrapped framework, as result the template was fully recreated, changed all module positions and files structure.

Regards, AS Team.
It is a pity, this feature is THE reason for which I had bought the template ...
so : I had tested the new module : never worked.

sounds there are bugs with "not in template" modules ...

I had a module for social networks, and there was a bug, i tried a lot of sliders and they never worked as usual in others template.

at least I had to go with dj image slider and play with the css ... what a waste of time !
( I have done a cheap device for a migration, thinking that the tempalte will work as it worked in 2.5 out of the box , I lost my time and money )
Did you try to install the template using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
No I did not , because it was a migration, and did not want to have to delete all the contents before adding migrated items ...
You do not need to delete any content, you can install the package on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all parameters and settings, the package installation will save days of your time. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
I am a french web site integrator, and used to create sites on joomla since 2009 ... I know how to do, and think there are problemes when wanted te recreate the content of sample site with a joomla + template and not from quickstart. And I guess it is not normal ... It is not normal that I have to test several sliders plugins and modules to find one that suits to the template...
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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