Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

hei ^^ i would like to buy this item - download for a first look the free version. my question: can i change the main pic bg.body.home.jpg with any other one ? how can i try and look at this in this free version ? i have changed this pic with another one - same file name - but doesn`t works.

Hello Bastet99,
You can change it in the premium version using General Configuration Parameters -> Home background image.

Regards, AS Team.
hei ^^ - i am working step-by-step you HOW TO side ;) i have written a lot of articles - make a lot of categouries... so next step is menues - right ?

changing pic from start site works fine - ;) but when i click on my HOME button, doesnt open the next side - can you help ?

so i want to know - for what i need blogs ? and a custom module ?
on your site "adding menue site" - are a lot of possibilitys...they are all needed in that style ? are they all included that it works like in the demo ?

great your parameter site - helps a lot.

thanks for your patient with me :)

Hello Bastet99,

Sorry, what do you mean by: 'but when i click on my HOME button, doesnt open the next side', can you please let us know your domain name?

Regarding the blogs, please see the following article (we are not using blogs in this template):!

The Custom HTML Joomla Module allows you to insert customized text into any module position in your template.
For example the Custom HTML Module could be used for:
1. a block of text that you want displayed in a sidebar.
2. a contact us sidebar with phone, email, etc.
3. to input custom code for a newsletter sign-up box.

Regarding menus, we provided general information, it's up to you which menus and articles to use on your site.

Regards, AS Team.

Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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