I would just like to say that I have started a web hosting business and design and I am amazed just how easy your Templates are.
I am really really enjoying learning new things on my website plus my clients website as well.
I have one question through. My website which is still being developed - http://www.solarishosting.com.au
I have put an awesome background onto it, which I am hoping to fix so it fits the whole page.
What my question is, is how do I make the text boxes "transparent" to about 50% so people can still see the box but also can see the Awesome Image in the background.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2012-10-31
you may use opacity style, for example in the tmpl.sidebar.css file please find the following class and add opacity attribute as showing below:
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I would just like to say that I have started a web hosting business and design and I am amazed just how easy your Templates are.
I am really really enjoying learning new things on my website plus my clients website as well.
I have one question through. My website which is still being developed - http://www.solarishosting.com.au
I have put an awesome background onto it, which I am hoping to fix so it fits the whole page.
What my question is, is how do I make the text boxes "transparent" to about 50% so people can still see the box but also can see the Awesome Image in the background.
you may use opacity style, for example in the tmpl.sidebar.css file please find the following class and add opacity attribute as showing below:
#colleft .row1,
#colleft .row2,
#colleft .row3,
#colright .row1,
#colright .row2,
#colright .row3
clear: both;
margin: 0 0 20px;
overflow: hidden;
padding: 0;
opacity: 0.5;
Regards, AS Team.