Joomla! Template 002036 - Item Support

I'd like to reduce l position 55 and the module copright that they project into a picture.

Best Regards
Hello PELELE67,
You have edit tmpl.footer.css file. Please find the following class and reduce the width:

#footer .row3 .row3col1
float: left;
font-size: 11px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: left;
width: 650px;

Regards, AS Team.
thanks for the quick response.
The module has been reduced by the change. I get but still represented the same width.

This is regulated here:

# footer. row3. content {
background-color: # E6EAF7;
padding: 15px 30px;
width: 900px;

I have not found it to change 900px.

An additional question: Is there a search function for the forum, I found nothing.

best Regards

Hello PELELE67,
As we see you managed to change the size for the module position 55 from 650 to 400, what is a problem with the size of the footer content, do you like to increase it too? In this case you may put your css in the Custom CSS area in the Template Parameters:

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you for your help. Problem is solved

Regards, Harald
I want to decrease the spacing between the sub-menus on the left, so they have the same spacing as the menu.
See my problem:

I've tried it myself, but can not solve.
Thanks for the help
Hello PELELE67,
Please provide us with an URL of the page where do you have the problem, we have to see the source code. That is not enough to see the screenshot only.

Regards, AS Team.

the link takes you to the homepage:

If you press on "Tierkommunikation" in the left menu, you see the different distances.


Hello PELELE67,
In the tmpl.sidebar.css file please find the following classes and change the margin and min-height as shown below:

#colleft ul ul, #colright ul ul
margin: 11px 0 0 -20px;

#colleft ul ul li, #colright ul ul li {
margin: 0 11px 0 0;
min-height: 27px;

Regards, AS Team.
thank you for the great service I am really excited.
One question I have.

If I turn off the upstream side and views the home page, in the top menu bar button does not appear.

is it possible to make the button show up and it is possible to display all the buttons and not only when I push it or go about it.

Thanks for the help

Hello PELELE67,
We are sorry, not quite understood your question. What do you mean by: 'upstream side', can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
Please excuse my bad english.
I mean the first page with a girl.
I can turn off this page in the template settings. "Show home page splash page as Yes No '
If I turn off, I'll come straight to homepage, when I run the domain
But I do not see the button in the top menu, just the writing.

Thanks for the help

Hello PELELE67,
Sorry again, do you mean the button background?

Regards, AS Team.

How can I change the width of sub-menus so that more words are displayed and not cropped.

Thanks a lot
Hello PELELE67,
The sub-menu size you may to change by editing tmpl.header.css file, please look for classes beginning with:
#header .row1 #topmenu ul

as well you will need to change the top and bottom background images.

Regards, AS Team.
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