How in the world can I modify the links under "WE ARE OFFERING"
AS Templates
POSTED: 2021-02-13
Hello CARLJ315,
You can do it by editing 'Special Services Menu' in Joomla menu manager.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2021-02-15
The link provided only discusses menus in general.
The Special Services Menu is multi-layered and very complicated. I need detail instruction on how to modify menu links under "WE ARE OFFERING".
AS Templates
POSTED: 2021-02-15
Hello CARLJ315,
Can you please let us know what exactly you need to modify.
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You can do it by editing 'Special Services Menu' in Joomla menu manager.
Regards, AS Team.
The Special Services Menu is multi-layered and very complicated. I need detail instruction on how to modify menu links under "WE ARE OFFERING".
Can you please let us know what exactly you need to modify.
Regards, AS Team.