Joomla! Template 002039 - Item Support

I bought this template this morning but somehow position-51 is not working.
Can you help me out with this?
The template has parameter 'Extend column 1 to column 2' under footer configuration parameters, please change it to 'not extend'.
All available parameters you can see here:

Regards, AS Team.
Is there a way to make the menu in the bottom horizontal in stead of vertical?
The template doesn't have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
I don't know what's going on, but right now the positions 50 to 54 are not showing up at all! Although there are modules placed in e.g. position 50, nothing is showing. And yes, it is published. And yes, I am looking on the right pages.
Can you help me out?
We have to see your site in case to help you.

Regards, AS Team.
Another question: I have my Smart Search on position 50 and my footer menu on position 52 (position 51 is still not working). When I depublish my footer menu, the gray bar disappears completely! Including my search option (or anything else that's is placed on position 50, 52, 53 and 54)!
Can you help me with this issue?!?!
Please provide us with your site url, we have to see it.

Regards, AS Team.
I am using this template, but there seems to be a problem: I have a folder with 3 images. I am using JS Flexslider as a slideshow.
When the images are 980 x 400 pixels, there is no problem.
But when I make the images smaller (e.g. 600 x 400 pixels) so I can use position-7 and 8, the following accurs:
The first image is 600 x 400, the next is exactly the same but then 980 x 400! The following image is 600 x 400 (position-7 is to the right of the slider), the fourth image (the same as the third image) is 980 x 400 (position-7 is underneath the slider). The fifth and sixth image is the same as above.

Is there a bug between the slider and the template?
I have used the JS Flexslider in all of my sites and untill now there was no problem. Can you help me out?

By the way: I don't have a URL because the site is still under construction.
We are sorry, our support team is not able to provide support for third party extensions, but you may ask for our services:

Regards, AS Team.
BTW, try to play with Slider Width parameter under the template general configuration parameters.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, is there a way to make the menu fill out on the complete width of the template? Right now I keep just a small piece left (about 10px wide).
I would like to fill out the menu so this will disappear.

What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.

I upgraded the 2.5 version to 3.3 and right now I get the following errors:
Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplicationSite::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/sitename/public_html/nieuwesite/templates/as002039/index.php on line 46

Strict Standards: Non-static method JApplicationCms::getMenu() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/sitename/public_html/nieuwesite/libraries/cms/application/site.php on line 279

Can you help me out with this?


All these notices you can disable in your Joomla admin panel -> Global Configurations -> Server by changing Error Reporting parameter to 'none'

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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