Joomla! Template 002042 - Item Support

By the installation of the com_acymailing_starter I get the following error: Table 'noordhoek_jos2.jos_acymailing_config' doesn't exist SQL=SELECT * FROM jos_acymailing_config, and also with the com_phocagallery the error 404 Component not fould. Please help.
Afther choosing the menu postition I only see this on the website:

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare googleFontChooser() (previously declared in /home/noordhoek/domains/ in /home/noordhoek/domains/ on line 294

Could you give me some advise?
It looks like you have some configuration problems.
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? If not, our suggestion to install it.

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I have used the quick start installation package for this template. But it's a already existing website where we would us this template. Could you help us to make it work?
Can you please provide us with an access to your admin panel? We have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.
We are sorry, your site doesn't have any content. Our suggestion is install the template using quick-start installation package, without the package we can't help you.
Please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
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Comment in status pending...

It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
I have installed the package as requested on
I only couldn't install com_phocagallery_v4.0.2 and com_ancymailing_starter_4.3.4_2013....

We are building the site right now and have some questions:

How do we get the shadow as on the slider at the startpage?
How do we get the 12 buttons as on the startpage?
How do we get the Follow Us etc as on the startpage?

Thanks in advance.
If you installed the site using quick-start package it should looks exact like our demo preview, please carefully read the template documentation:

BTW, the url you have provided to us is not working:

Regards, AS Team.
I missed the part with the installation for the sample data, that's I think the problem. Is there an other way than make a hole new installation to get below questions working? (we have alread put al lot of the website back in the new template):

How do we get the shadow as on the slider at the startpage?
How do we get the 12 "buttons" as on the startpage next to slider?
How do we get the Follow Us etc as on the startpage?

Sorry the webpage is
You can install the package on some demo server/subdomain/folder in case to preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
I already installed is again (now on the right part). It's working very nice. Could you help us with the following:

We made a disclaimer and linked it to an article. Now we get this extra information like, print/email/category etc. But I want to put that out. I already tried to put it out in the artikel but thats not working. When I link it to an other artikel I don't get this " extra information". Please help.
Please click on the Disclaimer menu item in your joomla admin panel and go to advanced options -> article options.

Regards, AS Team.
By position 54 the title is going to the left:

What can I do about this?
Is there a way to put the falang language switcher next to the Top menu without the blue dots in the middel (so the blue dots between the home and search stay but not between the flags)?
And my last question. I have made a K2 for some cheese. Now I want to change the position to the slider part. But I have nowhere the posibility to change it from the main to the slider. Please help.
For the template customization please use our services page:

Regards, AS Team.
How do I get position 7,8 and the slider to the content instead of the header?

When I put these in the header my K2 module would work beter.

Thanks in advance.
These positions designed for the header only, you can't put them in the content.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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