Joomla! Template 002042 - Item Support

We successfully installed and costumized the Template 002042. Everything works fine. We only have two problems:

first problem:
Unfortunately the websites with Internet Expolorer 9,0 are loaded only correctly , if the Internet Explorer Brwoser is adjusted to compatibility view.

For example AS Accordion does not appear on the home site correctly. See website:

Are there an update for Internet Explorer 9,0 or any patch?

2nd problem:

with firefox 17.01 the Phoca Gallery Image Module (version: for joomla 2.5) does not really work within your template. See website:

The Module works with all other browsers, but not with firefox.

Do you have a idea for a soulution?

Thanks for an answer.
Hello GENI1964,
Can you please provide us with more info? We checked your site, we don't see any problems, can you please create screenshots of the problem so we can see it? Thank You.

Regards, AS Team.

We already use the template AS 02042 Premium.

Within the mooslider module, position 50 (footer on frontpage) we want to change the title "h1" to "h2", because SEO dont like to many h1 title on the frontpage.
Mooslider generate for each slider-title one "h1 slider-titel".

How can we change the slider-title to "h2" within the mooslider module?

You can see the website under:

Many thanks for the support.

Best regards
Hello GENI1964,
For changing it you have to edit default.php file in the following folder
'modules/mod_as_mooslider/tmpl' on your server.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Many thanks for the support. Now it works fine.


Is there any possibility to set an image alt tag for each slider-image within the module_as_slider?

I mean, its important to set the image alt attribute for SEO reasons.

Maybe you have an idea, how we can integrate the image alt attributes within the as slider.

Thank you for the support.

Best regards
Hello GENI1964,
We are sorry, the extension doesn't have such option it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.

We use the AS Template 002042 Premium Typ 2.5 and want to update to the newest template Joomla! 2.5 - 3 Template, 2013-08-20, item Version: 2.0.0.

How is the best way to update to the newest template?

Many thanks for the support.

Hello GENI1964,
Do you like to update to Joomla 3?

Regards, AS Team.
No, next year we will update to the joomla version 3.5 LTS (longtime support version), but not yet.

Today we use joomla 2.5.14.

Regards, Geni1964
Hello GENI1964,
So, you don't need to make any updates for the template, the last release was for the Joomla version 3.x

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

How can we update to the last release for joomla version 3.x?
We already downloaded your last release an now we want to install this release.

I mean, can we overwirte the old files by using ftp or its better to upload the files with joomla?

What do you suggest?

Thanks for an answer.

Hello GENI1964,
Sorry, you told you have installed Joomla 2.5, and not going to move to Joomla 3.x till version 3.5 is not released.
You can't install template for Joomla 3.x on Joomla 2.5

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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