Does this template use a frame and is it included also if I want it to look like the demo how do I install this template thought the my cpanel of my host or through the admin/installation panel?
H. F.
POSTED: 2012-11-07
Thanks for your question. you will use the cpanel of my host, then follow the seven simple steps of installing a Joomla website.
Also, the documentation that comes along with the downloaded files will guide you through the process.
The framework used by the template is JAT3. Yes, it is included.
Solid Business.
POSTED: 2012-11-06
Ok never mind it comes with the T3 frame.
what about the installation?
POSTED: 2012-11-06
Sorry about that the Item Details gave me all the answers.
H. F.
Thanks for your question. you will use the cpanel of my host, then follow the seven simple steps of installing a Joomla website.
Also, the documentation that comes along with the downloaded files will guide you through the process.
The framework used by the template is JAT3. Yes, it is included.
Solid Business.
what about the installation?
H. F.