I am working on template 2044, and I can not style my module.
The right module is style by span 2 but the article keeps on span6. How can i get this to span 8 for example
Thanks in advance
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-10-06
You have to check parameters, maybe code of the extension installed in right position, there are everywhere 'span2' class inside of the extension.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2015-10-07
Hello AS,
If checked the parameters but nothing there. http://www.fris.liefdevooreten.nl/diensten-fris-concepts/online-profilering.html
The article is span6 and the module also. I can change the module to span 2 but then the right side is blanco. If i changed to span 2 the article must be span 8 but it keeps standing on span 6.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-10-07
The span2 is inside of the extension, you have to check the extension, sorry because the extension is not our product we can't help you here a lot.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2015-10-08
Hello AS,
This is not an extension but WYSIWYG. http://www.fris.liefdevooreten.nl/diensten-fris-concepts/online-profilering.html
The artticle en blue box is always span 6 span 6. How can I cange this to span 9 for the article.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-10-08
The size of the sidebar you can change using the template parameters -> Sidebars Configuration Parameters -> Left or Right Sidebar width.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2015-10-23
Hello As
I would like to change the sidebar parameters per item and not for the whole template. Is it possible to set the span with for modules individualy because with bootstrap it is not working. for example homepage of fris.liefdevooreten.nl module 10 left
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-10-23
Sorry, there is no such option, the sidebar size can be defined only one for all pages.
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I am working on template 2044, and I can not style my module.
The right module is style by span 2 but the article keeps on span6. How can i get this to span 8 for example
Thanks in advance
You have to check parameters, maybe code of the extension installed in right position, there are everywhere 'span2' class inside of the extension.
Regards, AS Team.
If checked the parameters but nothing there. http://www.fris.liefdevooreten.nl/diensten-fris-concepts/online-profilering.html
The article is span6 and the module also. I can change the module to span 2 but then the right side is blanco. If i changed to span 2 the article must be span 8 but it keeps standing on span 6.
The span2 is inside of the extension, you have to check the extension, sorry because the extension is not our product we can't help you here a lot.
Regards, AS Team.
This is not an extension but WYSIWYG. http://www.fris.liefdevooreten.nl/diensten-fris-concepts/online-profilering.html
The artticle en blue box is always span 6 span 6. How can I cange this to span 9 for the article.
The size of the sidebar you can change using the template parameters -> Sidebars Configuration Parameters -> Left or Right Sidebar width.
Regards, AS Team.
I would like to change the sidebar parameters per item and not for the whole template. Is it possible to set the span with for modules individualy because with bootstrap it is not working. for example homepage of fris.liefdevooreten.nl module 10 left
Sorry, there is no such option, the sidebar size can be defined only one for all pages.
Regards, AS Team.