Joomla! Template 002044 - Item Support

Hi Support Team

I have installed the template on my localhost. The fist installation ist the quick start package and the second installation is a empty joomla with your template.
Step for step I installed my content to the empty joomla and configure all items i need.
At one point I need your help now:
If i take longer or shorter articles in position 6 the picture bg.wrapper.bottom.png goes up or down on the site.
How can i fix this picture on his position?

If you can get me an answer for this I´m happy :-)

Hello TRAIN80,
In case to help you we need to see your website.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

You can see my Test Site on:

In the Newsflash on position 6 I have short articles, so the bg.wrapper.bottom.png is going up behind the AS Slider an behind the pictures in the slider. At this time the red wave from the top is interrupted on the right side.

If you scroll deeper I put a screenshot with longer text in the first article on the side. In this configuration the slider and the picture in it are displayed correctly, but the bg.wrapper.bottom.png ist very big at the bottom.

I hope you can understand my problem.

Hello TRAIN80,
You can do it by playing with margin only, please add the following classes in the style.custom.css file:

.body__home .wrapper-featured-bottom {
margin-top: -300px !important;

#featured-row .moduletable {
margin-top: 55px !important;

Regards, AS Team.

Thank you very much. It works fine.
Hello AS Team

I have a problem at the login for registered users:
After clicking the submit button at my login page i become a error 500 page.
I have test it with a other tmeplate and it works fine.

Can you help me with this problem?

Login Page:
User: Test
Pwd: demo
I use joomla 3.9.14 with php 7.4 on a strato server

Thank you.

Hello TRAIN80,
We are getting a blank page, did you check server logs?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

Now I have check the server log:

PHP Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /mnt/web118/d0/32/5682832/htdocs/html/2019/modules/mod_as_menu/helper.php on line 75: /home/strato/http/premium/rid/28/32/5682832/htdocs/html/2019/index.php

1 messages repeated: /home/strato/http/premium/rid/28/32/5682832/htdocs/html/2019/index.php

PHP Fatal error: Cannot declare class modASMenuHelper, because the name is already in use in /mnt/web118/d0/32/5682832/htdocs/html/2019/modules/mod_as_menu/helper.php on line 14: /home/strato/http/premium/rid/28/32/5682832/htdocs/html/2019/index.php
Hello AS Team

Can you give me any Help to my problem?
It is not fixed at this time
Hello TRAIN80,
Recently we released an update which fixes some issues, please download it from your AS account and replace updated files accordingly to the release log:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team

It works! Thank you
I have updated the files, changed the php version to php 7.3 an change the as menu to the superfish menu.
Hi AS Team

When will the version for Joomla 4 of the 002044 template be ready?

Thanks for an answer.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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