Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

Hello, I am new to Joomla. I installed the full content of the template and now I am working to edit everything to my needs. I do have a problem to edit the text on the page that is displayed when klicking "contact us" on the main menu.

There is the text: We're here for you ....Vivamus auctor....
Where can I edit this text ?

The google maps window stays empty -- I read above that this could be due to the rel of the plugin. How do I install an older version of the plugin ?

Thanks for your help.
Hello MIKEWW1,
What is your site url please? We need to see it in case to help you.
The previous plugin version you can fin in the downloaded package, extensions folder.

Regards, AS Team.
In addition to my last question:
On the page that appears by klicking on main menu services
there are the three headlines insurance law etc.
When I change the headline in the article insurance law to something else - it stays at insurance law. If I unpublish the artice, the headline stays. See for yourself (it is menu item 2 Seminare)
Where can I change this text or deaktivate this item ?

Another one:
In the contact us page there is this nice correspondence form
How can I include that on another page ?
Hello MIKEWW1,

2. You have to edit it in Module Manager, see module configuration :

1. The top text in the contact page you can edit in Contacts - > Contact Us -> Miscellaneous Information ( do not delete {google_map}

Regards, AS Team.
I installed the template in Feb 2015. Since then 2 updates have been published. I have changed a lot of the content and also some menues. How should I proceed in updating while not destroying my content ?
Hello MIKEWW1,
The template can be updated only by uploading changed files on your server via FTP, the list of updated files you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi Team,
I would like to upgrade from 1.5.1 to the latest Version.
Can this be done in one step or do I have to upgrade from one version to next and so on ?
Hello MIKEWW1,
Did you make any changes in the template's files?

Regards, AS Team.
I dont think so. I have just customized the content and parameterized things within the template.
Hello MIKEWW1,
In this case you can take the latest template version and override all files, before updating please do not forget to perform your website backup.

Regards, AS Team.
I updated my website to the latest version. Everything seems to work fine. Only the Menu font is too big now. Where can I change that ?
Hello MIKEWW1,
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
My URL is:
I have given the website url.
Again it is:

Please answer my question.

Hello, I am still waiting for an answer to my question from the 15th May.
Here is my question:

I updated my website to the latest version. Everything seems to work fine. Only the Menu font is too big now. Where can I change that ?

My website URL is:

Please help me !!!
Hello MIKEWW1,
The menu font you can change using the menu module parameters, please see Font Size parameters under the Menu Options tab.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you, I could correct the font size in the main menu item.
Unfortunately this does not change the font size in the ArtSlider and in the Newsflash Module. Also the bottom menu items have still the oversized font.
I have looked around the various parameters but I have no idea where to change the font size for these thre items. If you look at the page you see it immediately. It looks like you have changed something between the two versions that influences the font size of various items.
Thank you for your support.
Hello MIKEWW1,
All other fonts you can change by editing existing cs files or creating your own css and uploading it in the style.custom.css file.

You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firefox Web Development tools or Firebug Lite for Google Chrome

Here you can find some info of using firebug tool:

Regards, AS Team.
I can now offer an explanation why I was experiencing the font size problems. In the old template the google benchnine:400 font was used for headlines. After the update that was changed to Arial-Helvetica.
This was responsible for the increase in size. After a lot of search and comparison I changed it back to the now availible font benchNine and it looked like before. So it was some update issue with the new template.
I am glad that I could fix it without editing the stylesheets.
I am trying to migrate my 3.10 website to Joomla 4.
The update document as detailed as it may bei gives no hint how to install the template update.

Am I supposed to install the 4 template before updating?
I changed the default template to protostar and did the update.
Now I have the joomla 4 default template.

Then I tried to update this template and I it does not install with the error message that another template is using the directory „[ROOT]/templates/as002046“
do you want to reinstall ?

But there is no button to say yes. The it says the installation failed.
Well then I tried to deinstall the V2 version of the template which worked except for a notification that an ini file could not be deleted.

The I tried again to install the new package but got the same error as before. Now what am I supposed to do? Delete the directory ? I want to keep all my changes that I did to my site.

Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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