Joomla! Template 002046 - Item Support

Good afternoon. I have problems with the installation of this template (002046).
In the third and final step (Install), does not advance.
When you click Install, the progress bars appear for a second, in the first two parts: 1. Delete tables ... and 2. Create tables ...

No other templates with this problem.

All data are correct.
I did it with different databases, with back and delete database with sample data without them ...

You can not install. I need your help please.
Thank You.
Sorry, link control my previous message installation problem as002046_quickstart

Thank You.
It seems you do not have enough memory on your host, you have to increase PHP memory limit and execution time. In the php.ini file please find and increase values for memory_limit and max_execution_time parameters.
Before a new installation please delete all files from the previous.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello good afternoon. I made changes to PHP.
Original: max_input_time = 30 / now: 120
Original: max_input_time = 256/ now: 500

Additionally I made a new database and delete the old files. Then I returned to decompress the file on the server directop like I always do. I began the installation process and has the same previous proble:

When you click Install, the progress bars Appear for a second, in the first two parts: 1. Delete tables ... and 2. Create tables ...

No other templates With This problem.

I hope your significant help.
You have to increase 'memory_limit' and 'max_execution_time' parameters at least to 300.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again.
I followed your instructions. I went up to 600 parameters alike.
I managed the installation. Thank you very much!

I can now put the original parameters? (memory_limit and max_execution_time = 256 M = 30) or 600 will definitely?

Thank You!
You can leave it on 600, it is not important.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok thank you very much for your help.

Jaime Campo
Hello good afternoon.
Previously you helped with a problem in the installation of and could work smoothly.

Now, I installed
Subsequently the AS002046 template and extensions of the download.
Everything worked fine, but I've run into a problem.
I made a contact to the page. In front of the contact, the basic information and map googlemap appears, but the form does not appear. I have reviewed all options in the contact component and the contact button and all is well.
In a forum seeking information and answers was a problem with the template would be using (AS002046). Then in the Template Manager, momentarily I changed the template for Beez3 - Default and then saw the form if it appears.
Can you help me with this problem please?
If you need to access data or images, please instruct me how can I make them arrive.
This is the link where there is the problem of the form:
I appreciate it.
The form looks completely different from our demo page, have you installed this template using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello As Team!!
I downloaded and installed Joomla on the official website in Spanish.
Subsequently, install the as002046 template and extensions.
It's one of two ways on your page says I can work.
Install above quickstart, but has some flaws when I install another leguaje. Although all extensions work well here.
Therefore I decided to start installing the official joomla package, template and extensions individually.
I have made changes in CSS files, so, my page is different from the demo page.

Everything works great, just misses the form.
Please help solucioanrlo, this will serve them for future similar situations with his other clients.
Thank You.
In this case, our suggestion it to install the quick-start package on some demo server or demo folder, then you will be able to preview all settings, configurations and set exact the same in your Joomla admin panel.

Regards, AS Team.
What you suggest me, and I did. Check and draw the same parameters on par with joomla site in Spanish and fast installer.
The problem is in the template, because as I mentioned in a previous message, I changed momentarily to another template, and the contact form if it appears, if it works. When I return to the as002046 template, contact form is not working.
It is a problem in the template. Any connection.
You can confirm that I lie.
You can do the same procedure, installing joomla in Spanish, as002046 install the template, and check that there is a problem with the contact form.
Please help with this problem.
Thank You.
Please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put inn the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello good day!
I have already requested information access Joomla Cpanel and also in case of need, in Special info area.

I appreciate it.
Sorry, we do not see this info, please check and be sure you saved it.

Regards, AS Team.
Now you are ready to access information in "Special info area"

We checked your contacts page, the settings under Components -> Contacts -> Cotacto -> Display tab completely different from settings in our package, you have to set exact the same settings.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello Goodnight.
Yeah, that's the solution.
It has to be exactly the same configuration to your package.
Now it works fine.
Thank you very much for your help.
You are very efficient in their support.
In other business templates, it takes several days to answer.
Thank You!
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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