1st problem: when I enter virtuemart configuration I get a message: Error
vmError: Warning, the Safe Path is not accessible (does not exist or no permission), for safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL or unguessable name,.....
2nd problem: when try to edit shop information (under section "shop") I get error message:
vmError: Save failed with the following error: Username in use.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2015-11-04
For the first problem please see the following article:
Regarding the second issue, it seems you have two registered users with the same email, please check and delete/edit one of them.
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1st problem: when I enter virtuemart configuration I get a message: Error
vmError: Warning, the Safe Path is not accessible (does not exist or no permission), for safety reasons it is very important to create a folder in a path not accessible by an URL or unguessable name,.....
2nd problem: when try to edit shop information (under section "shop") I get error message:
vmError: Save failed with the following error: Username in use.
For the first problem please see the following article:
Regarding the second issue, it seems you have two registered users with the same email, please check and delete/edit one of them.
Regards, AS Team.