Joomla! Template 002051 - Item Support

Hello GCARNE01,
There is no option to do it from file, the template zip file does not have any sample data like the file, everything should be installed and configured manually, all extensions you can find in the 'extensions' folder.

Regards, AS Team.
In the old template for Joomla 2.5 VirtueMart 2 there was an array of configuration parameters one could set which was very useful. What happened to that in the new template? I only find a very limited number of config parameters in the new version.
Please ignore my post of 2016-04-07.

I have child products e.g. color, size etc, and therefore can only show product name, image and price when clicking on the menu item (= product category). Please compare my live site with the old template, with my new site (not yet live)

For some reason, when clicking on menu item (= product category) the products show up below each other. It should be four products next to each other in each line. I caused this myself but cannot find out what I did. Can you tell me how to rectify this?

Hello GCARNE01,

Did you use quickstart installation package? Did you made any changes in the code? Looks like some files is missing (for example vm-ltr-site.css).

Regards, AS Team.
I have the quickstart as a separate system for reference purposes,clean and unchanged including sample data, and I installed the along with all extensions onto my existing system which is an upgrade from Joomla 2.5 to 3.5 (not yet live). There was one extension which resulted in an error and could not be installed, I think it was

Are there missing files that I can just copy over from the quickstart system? There is no file called in neither the quickstart system, nor in my upgraded system.
Hello GCARNE01,
You are definitely missed some files during manual installation, or you have incompatible components/plugins/extensions versions.
It will be much easier for you to install quick-start package and use it for your site, manual installation will take a lot of your time.

Or you can always ask for our installation services:

Regards, AS Team.
I cannot possibly use the quickstart for an existing system with tons VirtueMart stuff (products, payment methods, customer orders etc. etc. etc.) which would then be lost. If there are files missing in the, then what is the purpose of that install? That would mean that the package is faulty. One further thing that I just discovered is that when I display the product details, there are no boxes for sizes, colours etc. as there should be.

As for incompatible plugins, I have disabled most of my plugins and will install new plugins as I need them, but for now they are disabled and should not disturb anything. Besides, I do not have and plugins active related to the frontend.

I have used the old as002051 for almost two years and all I want is to use the new as002051 in my upgraded system and that without having to use your installation servies.
Hello GCARNE01,
The file does not have any components, plugins/extensions. If you installing all components/plugins manually you have properly config them, it is very difficult without huge experience, but it is very easy to install quick-start package and then uninstall/delete unnecessary stuff like products, payment methods, customer orders, articles etc. etc. etc.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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