Joomla! Template 002053 - Item Support

I'd like to customize the module position of "slider".
Which file should I have a look to make changes?

Thank you for your help!
Hello RICOLA510,

It depend on the needs of customization, your question is too general. Please provide us with URL and more detail information about customization.

Regards, AS Team.
Had another question.
On the sample page,
There's a section of "Top Products". I can't figure out which position this section is located...

It would be great if you could point that out.
Hello RICOLA510,

The Virtuemart shop page is showing the Top Products in the content area.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

[As for "Slider" position]

I'm working on my site locally at the moment.
I'm trying to apply a gallery module in Slider position, but it goes beyond the edge of width. So I'd like to see the CSS setting for "slider"
(Sorry I forgot to mention what I want to see is the "CSS" file for this).

I know you won't help for customization, but would it be at least possible to tell me which CSS file is for Silder?

Thank you for your help.

Hello AS Team,

[as for Top Products for Virtuemart]

>The Virtuemart shop page is showing the Top Products in the content area.
Where do I go to edit "the content area" for this Top Products?
Sorry, I'm a newbie in Joomla.

Thank you for your help
Hello RICOLA510,

Sorry, we have to see online site for help you.

Regards, AS Team.

[As for "Slider" position]

That's fine. I found where to look. I'll come back when i have more question on this.

Thank you for your help anyway.
Hello AS Team,

Just in case, I'm still waiting for a reply for this...

[as for Top Products for Virtuemart]

>The Virtuemart shop page is showing the Top Products in the content area.
Where do I go to edit html elements on the sample index.php?
I don't see any articles in content, or I can't find them in the database.

I'd like to hide/replace Top Product to something else.

Thank you for your help!
Hello AS Team,

I just realized all I needed to do was to make a new menu for a top page! No need the reply anymore.

Silly me and I'm a newbie in Joomla.
Sorry for bugging you many times, I no longer need the reply for my last question.

Thank you for your time & help.
Hello again AS Team,

I have a question to ask.
The submenu (when on-click) on the main menu goes under the images shown in a gallery module.

Not sure which side of the problem it is, but could I have your opinion?
Is this as simple as adjusting z-index in a css file?

My site is:

Thank you for your help.
Hello RICOLA510,

Try to put following code in css/tmpl.custom.css

z-index: 5 !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Thank you! It's all working perfectly.
Hello AS Team,

I have problems with placing vertical menus on left hand side column.
I tried a couple of different types of vertical menus, it seems there's CSS conflict? None of the menu is showing up properly.

It usually gets loads of ">" signs, or sub menu is not showing or showing in wrong positions.

These vertical menu are not your products, but I was wondering if you could point out what could be the problem, whether it's the menu side or template side of problem?

Here is the URL to the page:

There's a vertical menu on left called "ARI Ext Menu".
This should look like this;

Thank you for your help in advance!
Hello RICOLA510,

Sorry, we are not providing support for the third party extensions.

In this case you can order our customization services :

Regards, AS Team.

I'm trying to add news feeds on "position-7", next to "slider" on the top page. News feeds show up fine, but image links on slider position don't get lined up horizontally somehow (it should automatically).

It's not your products the image link module is, but I'm wondering if you could think of what could be keeping them away to line up horizontally...

Any advice is welcomed.
Thank you for your help.
Hello RICOLA510,
We are sorry, we can't help you here, but we think you can contact the extension developer.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi again,

How can I make only H3 in body bold?
I'd like to have a control in which heading should be bold or normal.

Or do I need to use Page Class? If I could have a control of this at template level it would reduce my work at great level...
Hello RICOLA510,

Try to add following code in css/tmpl.custom.css

font-weight: bold !important;

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you!!
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