Joomla! Template Law TH - Item Support

I'd like to build a Website which menu is looking just like the menu of the demosite of this template. If I install the "Quickstart" it is looking like this and everything is ok. But if i install just the template on a plain Joomla! I don't get the the same menu look a like even if i install the extensions which are in the package. I don't want to use the demosite and delete everything i don't need, because it will be a site for a customer, so i have to understand how it works so that I can change things if necessary. At Theme Hunt I don't find any help and in the tmeplate sourcecode the author is called rockettheme but i don't find this template at their site.
How does it work? What can I do?

Best regards,
thank you for answering so fast. I installed the menu module (maximenu ck) from the extensions directory of the package, but it didn't work then.
There is no Backend menu to change colors or something else of the menu, and I don't find where to tell the system which css file should be used. I don#t find any description or manual how to do.
Right now I'm trying to figure out, how some of the gadgets are working in the "QuickStart" installation, and one of the most important things to me is, that the online demo on your site works fine in Chrome AND IE, the demoversion of my server doesn't work in IE, chrome does fine. So what can I do to make it work in IE too?

Best regards.
Item Name:
Law TH
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product