Joomla! Template 002055 - Item Support

Hi, i bought just the premium version of bootstrapped template 002055, used with joomla 3.2.
Unfortunatly, there com´s always a special window with a version check of the installed internet explorer. It is not possible to delete this window in case, there is not installed the actually explorer.
My urgent question : Is it possible, to cancel this function of version check ? Is this function implemeted at each bootstrapped template ?
Many Thanks
Helmut Sonntag
It is possible, but the template will not work properly in IE 8 or less, the template is based on HTML5 elements.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, thanks for the answer. So, please tell me, how to cancel this function!
I understand, that the template does not works properly in case of IE 8 is installed, but i think there must be, for the visitor of the homepage, nevertheless a possibility, to delete the popup- information window. I think, a "x" to close the window shut be visible ! The window is very big, so the visitor can´t see any menu and it is maybe not possible to find the contact - datas, as example.
I´m pleased to ask for support, thanks !
BR Helmut Sonntag
You have to make changes in the template index.php file, please find the following include and delete it (it should be on line 46):

include 'ie8warning.php';

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, one more question: In which file of the template files is the english text, the information about IE8, exacty implemented ? I want to change the text into german language .....I think there is no german version of the template available ?!
BR HelmutSonntag
If you will delete the ie8warning.php include you will not receive anymore the popup window. Anyway, the text can be changed in warning.js file:


Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
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