I've purchased the premium template and was wondering in which .css file the position of the site logo & site slogan are defined?
I would like to use the logo and the slogan together, but now the slogan is displayed below the logo and partialy behind the slider.
I would like to move the slogan a bit to the right and than up.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Fred Ellis.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-11-26
What is your site url please? We have to see this issue.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-11-26
Http://it-answer.com, but i have ti take it out of maintenance mode
POSTED: 2013-11-26
It is out of maintenance mode so you can look at the issue.
Thnx for the fast reply!!!
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-11-26
You have to edit tmpl.custom.css file, please find #logo span.slogan class, it should be on line 1585, and change the class content with something like the following:
Hi team forgot to mention I would like to place it in the as-position-30 module.
Thnx again
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-11-29
We are sorry, our support team can't help you, you have ask for our services: http://www.astemplates.com/developmentservices
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2013-11-29
Dear AS Team,
Please could you let me know in which CSS or PHP file the AS Slider Home Slider Caption text is defined?
The text I mean is:
"We Will show the way to success!"
"We Have propositions for everybody!"
"There Are no complex tasks for us!"
Thanks again for your support.
AS Templates
POSTED: 2013-11-29
The extension displays article's intro image with the article title and/or intro text. The articles you can find in your Joomla admin panel -> content -> article manager, the articles can be found under the 'Slider Home' category.
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I've purchased the premium template and was wondering in which .css file the position of the site logo & site slogan are defined?
I would like to use the logo and the slogan together, but now the slogan is displayed below the logo and partialy behind the slider.
I would like to move the slogan a bit to the right and than up.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,
Fred Ellis.
What is your site url please? We have to see this issue.
Regards, AS Team.
Thnx for the fast reply!!!
You have to edit tmpl.custom.css file, please find #logo span.slogan class, it should be on line 1585, and change the class content with something like the following:
#logo span.slogan {
bottom: 5px;
float: left;
font-size: 12px;
left: 0;
margin: 0;
position: relative;
Regards, AS Team.
This worked very well thank you.
There is only one question left, how can I change the color?
This since the color: #FF0000 does not work.
The strange thing is that the font-weight: bold is working very well.
Thanks again for your support.
Fred Ellis.
Try to add !important at the end: color: #FF0000 !important;
Regards, AS Team.
Could you please let me know where ot how I need to place the following code without breaking the AS art slider?
This is the code:
<script type='text/javascript' src='https://feed.microsoft.com/FeedStore/GetFeed.ashx?FeedId=53e3eb20-50f1-4f7b-9508-0c0a5047df49&locale=nl-nl&partnerid=3200324&CompanyName=IT-Answer&AddressLine1=Kasteelweg%2014&City=Landgraaf&State=Limburg&PostalCode=6371%20GJ&CompanyPhoneNumber=%2031%20%286%29%2054%2091%2005%2037&CompanyURL=http%3a%2f%2fit-answer.com&EmailID=info%40it-answer.com&width=180px&height=150px'></script>
Thanks in advance for your reply
Thnx again
We are sorry, our support team can't help you, you have ask for our services: http://www.astemplates.com/developmentservices
Regards, AS Team.
Please could you let me know in which CSS or PHP file the AS Slider Home Slider Caption text is defined?
The text I mean is:
"We Will show the way to success!"
"We Have propositions for everybody!"
"There Are no complex tasks for us!"
Thanks again for your support.
The extension displays article's intro image with the article title and/or intro text. The articles you can find in your Joomla admin panel -> content -> article manager, the articles can be found under the 'Slider Home' category.
Regards, AS Team.