Joomla! Template 002057 - Item Support

Hello team,
I have a problem using 2057 with the Custom HTML fields at "as-position-30". I created 2 modules and configured them as described in the howto. Now the second module is set under the first, not side by side. When I configured the article newsflashs at as-position-6, I could configue a "horizonal" usage, but not with the C-HTML. What am I doing wrong? using J3.4.8

Thanks for your help
You set bootstrap columns size for each module to 12 columns, to show 2 modules in one line you have to set the size to 6 columns for each module.

Regards, AS Team.
Again two factor authentication with yubikey

Hi, I followed your instructions to use yubikey with AS002057 at J!3.8.6 as mention in an earlier question (of course without using the separate module and plugin installation for J2.5).

The login at the backend runs completely normally, the field for the Yubikey is displayed.
However, I still don't see the two factor field on the website to be able to log on to the frontend.
If I have a user with an active two-factor account and try to login to the frontend with it, I get the correct error message that the TF password is wrong.

I use the normal user-login module for the login menu.
Do you have any idea what else could be wrong?
Do I need a special class id for displying the TF-field?
(website is

Best regards, Lutz

Translated with
Two factor authentication in Joomla is available for the back end only:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team, sorry but nowadays you may choose to have 2FA in Backend only or in front- and backend. Have a look at the link you mentioned: "You can always disable Two Factor Authentication plugin, or configure it for Backend usage only".
So my question again: How to get the 2FA field on frontend login?
We are sorry, as we know there is no option to enable it in front end, anyway, you may always ask for help joomla community here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi supporter,
for enabling 2 factor Authentication for the frontend I changed file
*diff default.php*
< <?php if (count($twofactormethods) > 1) : ?>
< <div id="form-login-secretkey" class="control-group">
< <div class="controls">
< <?php if (!$params->get('usetext')) : ?>
< <div class="input-prepend input-append">
< <label for="modlgn-secretkey"><?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY'); ?></label>
< <input id="modlgn-secretkey" autocomplete="off" type="text" name="secretkey" class="inputbox mod-login_username" tabindex="3" size="18" />
< </div>
< <?php else: ?>
< <label for="modlgn-secretkey"><?php echo JText::_('JGLOBAL_SECRETKEY') ?></label>
< <input id="modlgn-secretkey" autocomplete="off" type="text" name="secretkey" class="inputbox mod-login_username" tabindex="3" size="18" />
< <?php endif; ?>
< </div>
< </div>
< <?php endif; ?>

Additionally the same change should be done at the module starting if a failure happened in the login procedure.

It would be nice if you could check the change and integrate it somehow in your release for the next update.
regards, Lutz
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