Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support


I'm having a problem with this template.

Whenever I try to change the text from the left module "Why our team", it gets misconfigured.

The original code is:

<p class="blocknumber"><span class="blocknumber">Y</span>Suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit acquam tristique sit amet sceleris que eros euismod. Vestibulum dignissim accumsan.</p>

And whnever I try to change and save it, my code becames:

<p class="&quot;blocknumber&quot;"><span class="&quot;blocknumber&quot;">Y</span>Suscipit sem. Aliquam vulputate elit acquam tristique sit amet sceleris que eros euismod. Vestibulum dignissim accumsan.</p>

So, those round circles with "Y", "E" and "S" became simple words.

Do you think you can help me?!?

Kind Regards,
Joel Ribeiro
Hello JFLOID1981,
You have to make changes using Source Code panel in your editor, what editor are you using?

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS Team,

I used a different editors. I tried TinyMCE and JCE. What am I doing wrong?

Thank you for your assistance.

Kind Regards,
Joel Ribeiro
Hello JFLOID1981,
Try to not use any of these editors, try to put the source code only.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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