Joomla! Template 002059 - Item Support

Couple of questions before buying.

Top menu - what is the max number of menu items you can have. The demo shows 5 can there be more.


Can there be more than four columns? If yes, what is the max number of columns?

What's the max number of categories you can have? Demo shows All plus three.
Hello VARDOG45,
1. It depends on the number of characters in name of each menu item, as you understand the space is limited.
2. Yes, it can be, max number is 12.
3. Unlimited.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the quick reply.

Will this fit in the templates menu?
Products, Services, Solutions, Support, Blog About, Contacts

Can search be added to the template?
Can I create restricted content accessible only to registered users?
I saw with other template there was a free (not fully functional) version. Is there a demo version I can download just to make sure I can do what I need to with the template?

Thanks again,
Hello VARDOG45,
1. Yes, but probably you will need smaller logo and fonts.
2 and 3. Yes, both are Joomla features.
4. Yes, you can download, but id doesn't contain quick-start installation package, if you do not have an experiences of working with Joomla it will be not easy for you to install and config all extensions, components, plugins, etc.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm fairly new to working with Joomla. I have a Joomla site already and I'm looking to use this template to replace it but I don't want the new template displayed until I know what it's going to look like. Can you help me here or point me in the right direction?

Q: Is there a way to install your template, work on it and view it without making it the default or upsetting what I already have?

Q: If I install your template using a test domain to create and test can it be moved to the real domain using a single license? If yes, what needs to be done when I'm ready to move it?

Hello VARDOG45,
Yes, you may install it on some demo server or demo folder, just let us know when you will go to live server and we will change the domain for you.

Regards, AS Team.
I'm ready to install the template. I originally installed the free demo so the template is listed. If I install the purchased template using extension manager will it replace and overwrite the existing files or do I have to delete the demo first?

Secondly, when I install the new template will it automatically become the default and replace my existing template? If yes, how do I keep this from happening until I'm ready to make the switch.

Will it change anything related to my existing template/site (menus, articles, etc) that is live?

Lastly, while using the demo I was able to apply the demo template to a test page using an existing article to see how it looked. However when viewing that test page using the new template the menu didn't display. Was that because the demo didn't have everything?

Please pardon all the questions, new to this and I don't want to spend time back-peddling or dealing with a crisis.

Hello VARDOG45,
1. It will not override your files because the free version and premium nave different names.
2. No, you have to set it as default.
3. It will not change any settings related to your existing template/site.
4. If you would like to have it exactly like our demo preview you have to install it using quick-start package, after installing the package your site will look like our demo preview page and it will be easy for you to make changes in the content, preview all parameters and settings. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.

Regards, AS Team.
I did the QuickStart install but forgot to check the sample data is there another way to get the sample data uploaded?
Hello VARDOG45,
We are sorry, there is no other way.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a few questions regarding Projects.

1) Home page recent projects section: is there any way to change it from showing an enlarged image to a link to an article?
2) Projects Page: are there instruction for how this page works and the various elements are linked?
a. Can the word Projects on the main menu be changed with upsetting the apple cart?
b. Category one, two and three, can these names be changed and what other elements/items need to be changed so every works correctly?
c. To add a category to the list (Show all, cat-1, etc) what's needed and in what order do you need to create them?
d. How can I add a fifth column to the thumbnails?
e. In the thumbnail can enlarge image be removed so it only shows the link icon?
Hello VARDOG45,
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.
I was able to add an addition project. In doing so it created a second page. I notice however when you click on the group in the top heading it only sorts and shows the related projects that are on that page. Therefore, when I select CRM there is one image on page one and one image on page two.

Q: Is there a way when a specific group (category) is selected all the images associates no matter what page they are on fill up the first page and overflow to the next page when needed?

If that is not possible, can the code be changed so that all the projects (images) are on one page (unlimited) that way when you select a specific group all the related images (projects) are there.

Thanks for all the help.
Hello VARDOG45,
In your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main Menu -> Projects -> Blog Layout change the Intro Articles parameter to any number of your projects.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for the info. on to the next.

1) I made the adjustments and the page looks fine chrome and ie but in firefox where the article is positioned to the right of everything else. I know I did something just don't know what. What do i need to do to get the article to display right in firefox?

2) The template by default puts a border around each image. Is there a way to disable it globally and/or in a specific article?

3) Where do I enable scripts and iframs?

4) My PNG image files that do not have a background color are all showing with a white background. Is there something I need to do in order for the PNG to display the way it was created? (see images in the above link)

Hello VARDOG45,
1. Sorry, the link you provided is not working.
2. in the tmpl.default.css file make search for 'border' property and change it to 'none' or '0px'.
3. We think you have to add it in your articles.
4. The link is not working.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry, I made a change on the menu and forgot I sent it to you. Here is the link. If the link is still not working go to the default URL - Solutions - Document Management

This in only happening with Fierfox.
Hello VARDOG45,
You are using tables here, sorry, our support team can't help you in this case, regarding any customization requests please use the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
How do I get PNG files that have no background color to display without a white background. Its happening in displays this way in Firefox, IE and Chrome.

On this page in the "Getting Started" section the numbers have a blank background

On this page the image of the Tablet and pens should has a blank background.

Please advise.
Hello VARDOG45,
You can do it by editing png files only, sorry, but it is not related to the template.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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