The mobile menu gets 'stuck' or jumps after visiting more than 2 pages.
On mobile (environment stated above), go from Home to Conditions > Knee. Then go to Conditions > Neck. Then try to go to Services > Physical Therapy.
The menu doesn't unrecognize the previous selection and jumps around - you can't choose a new one and it seems to 'walk up' the submenu until it gets to the main menu.
Please help!
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-12-03
Hello RELMO2014,
Just recently reserved the iPhone 6, unfortunately it takes some time to receive it, will check this issue ASAP.
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I'm having a trouble with the mobile menu for this template.
CMS: Joomla 3.3.6
Template: AS Template 002059 Premium Version for Joomla! 3
Device: iPhone 6, iPhone 6+
System: iOS 8.1.1
Browser: Safari
The mobile menu gets 'stuck' or jumps after visiting more than 2 pages.
On mobile (environment stated above), go from Home to Conditions > Knee. Then go to Conditions > Neck. Then try to go to Services > Physical Therapy.
The menu doesn't unrecognize the previous selection and jumps around - you can't choose a new one and it seems to 'walk up' the submenu until it gets to the main menu.
Please help!
Just recently reserved the iPhone 6, unfortunately it takes some time to receive it, will check this issue ASAP.
Regards, AS Team.