Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

Just an information please. I'm going to purchaise this template, but reading all comments above, I understood that the zip pack file doesn't contain the beautiful features in the home page with the CIRCLE presentation. My questios are:

1) Is it possible then to have this extension free?
2) does exist support documentation such a User Manual to use correcltly the template?...because I bought MATRIX template (Author:Primer Template) some months ago and it was really insufficient in terms of instructions.....While I was really happy to use 002035 - ARCOM. (AS Design like this)...

This is why I'd like to replicate with AS Design and to be sure it will not like Primer template.

Thank You very much,

The package contains quick-start installation package, after installing it your site will look exact like our demo preview with all images and extensions, if you don't want to install the package on your live server you can install it on some demo server or demo folder and preview all settings and parameters.
Sorry, it is impossible to write detailed documentation how to work with Joomla, all extensions, components and plugins used in this template.

Regards, AS Team.
More.....I was searching for NEWS FLASH module, ..Is This one:
The newsflash module included in the quick-start package.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank You AS TEMPLATE, I will proceed to buy this template.
I hope to find inside the NEWS FLASH module customizable with CIRCLES like in the demo, because I have already met this module but I didn't find this feature (CIRCLE SHAPE) but only a list of images/articles...
Regards, Ametista
Hello,finally this mornong I bought this template, and are several hours that I try to install it....:-( So I've decided to read all the comments history...and I discover that it is only for JOOMLA 3.0...!!..and I've the joomla 2.5 installed!....What I can do?
1) does it exist a 2.5 version also?...
2)does it exist another template similar to this one?
3)it is possible to buy another template in place of this or I have to consider lost money?
Please let me know,.....Regards
Anyway,..I don't know differences between Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0. I they don't have a big impact about the standard joomla logic and it is similar to the 2.5 I can also consider to install the 3.0 one...
We are sorry, but this template is compatible with Joomla 3.x only, our suggestion is install it using quick-start installation package, the package already contains Joomla 3.x, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I will try,..BUT I've an important question:

Since I've have already installed Joomla 2.5 on my webserver, have I to uninstall it before to proceed with the new installation package?

Thank You again
Yes, you have uninstall your Joomla, because quick-start package already contains Joomla 3.x, please see the following page for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello,Thank you, now everything is installed and looks like the demo site. Perfect.
I had a quick look around all components and I found the "News flash" modules inside.

The Article Newsflash Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category or a set of Categories --> perfect....
I realized that every articles displayed belongs to a specific category but, I have a question please:

1) It is possible to add another CIRCLE with another news, or it doesn't depend from this module?

2) Are the CIRCLES features separated from this module?

Because I need 5 CIRCLES...

Thank You so much! Regards
Yes, you can add more circles by creating new newsflash modules like others, but the problem is that each module has a bootstrap column width size, (total columns in the template is 12) currently each module column size set to 3 columns, in your case you will need to set another size for each module.

Regards, AS Team.
OK Thanks, I will try...just a clarification please: have I to manage module's sizes somewhere in some module's wizard or componets' wizard? ...or have I to modify directly the CSS files?

Thank You for your ideas!:-) Regards!!
The column boostrap size parameter you can find under module advanced parameters, please see the following screenshots for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Thank You very much AS TEMPLATE for your precious support.
I made some xperiments but since I want 5 Circle the option are:

a) insert 15 colums in AS MENU MODULE and maintain Bootstap size module =3 (15/3 =5) --> but the maximum possible value is 12..... :-(

b) maintain columns =12 in AS MENU MODULE , and put Bootstap size module =2,4 ....but I cannot put floating point value...:-(

should be easier to put 15 instead of 12...Do you think it is possible?

Thanks again,
Best Regards
We are sorry, but it is impossible. In your case it should be developed as independent HTML module with size 12 columns = 100% and inside it you have to create 5 additional parts with width of 20%.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Support,
I've another question for you:

Inside the flash news module, I can write an article and separate two parts of the text:

- first part: just above the "MORE" button
- second part: below the "MORE" button (I can read the full article after clicking the MORE button.

That's OK.

My question is:

Is there somewhere in the MODULES' PROPERTY or (?) a parameter to set the exact number of CHARS corresponding to the first part of text that it is shown below the circle?

In this way I can see ALL "MORE" buttons aligned.... (in your example You used the same identical text so.....;-) )..!

Thank You Marzia
The module doesn't have such option but you can easy manage it by editing the article intro text (first part above button).
Please see Joomla documentation for more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello! Please could you tell me , please, how can I put labels in ITALIAN LANGUAGE in the contact form instead ENGLISH?
Thank You
Have you installed Italian package? What is your site url please, we have to see this problem.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
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