Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support

Hello AS-Team,
First let me just say that the template looks very beautiful
I purchased the template 002060 on 27-8-2015 and uploaded the . It installed correctly and works.
i have checked the template documentation but i have a question about the position 6 newsflash module.

I know the the Article Newsflash Module will display a fixed number of Articles from a specific Category but i have a question.

Is it posible to link directly the readme more link like the circle "massage" on my website to a menu link like soorten-massage/spijkermat-massage I tried everything but I can not get it done. I hope you can help me with this.

Thank You Regards
Hello MABILI72,
We are sorry, the read more link can be pointed on an article only.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

Thank you for the reply. Okay that's too bad for me that it is not posible. Maybe my question is not entirely clear. There are more the same questions about position 6 on this page about this template. But i don't understand the solution with a custum html page with a blog link in it. For comparison how do they do it on with the same template? If I press one of the four circles read more buttons on the home page there open a new page, blog or category. while under the circle is a another text which is not the same as in the articel, blog or category. I looking for a simelar solution for my website. I apologize for my bad english.
Hello MABILI72,
Is this example is used custom HTML without an option to publish Read More button in the article, in other words there is no intro text, here is this code:

<p>Het voornaamste doel van een ontspanningsmassage is om geestelijk en lichamelijk te ontspannen en daarmee stress te verminderen.</p>
<a href="/index.php/soorten-massage/ontspanningsmassage">
<img alt="" src="/images/Lees.jpg" style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">
<p> </p>

In your case you can use another custom html (just replace the url):

<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec facilisis consequat tellus a fermentum. Maecenas convallis.</p>
<a class="readmore" href="/index.php/42-pos6-hair-cut/120-massage">Lees meer...</a>

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,
Thanks for the support and tip.
it worked now only for the custum html I would have advanced module needed to get it working with the template. Most important is that it works now. Great support.
Thanks. Regards, Marco
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