I've bought and installed the template via the quick installation. After that I installed SobiPro.
As configured, I have on as-position-5 the AS Art Slider General. The modul should appear on all pages except "Home". Now I've the phenomenon, that the slider is ok here:
but not here:
The only difference is, that the URL is slightly longer.
Do yuo have an advice, what the problem could be?
Regards, Werner
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-01-13
We think you have some conflict between jQuery libraries, on the second page as well doesn't work our menu on mobile devices.
Sorry, our support team can't help you in this case, it should be investigated, you have contact the extension developer or ask for our services.
Regards, AS Team.
POSTED: 2014-01-14
Thanks for the very fast answer. Is it possible to put one of the slider images as background in the class "slider-row"? I tried it with
background-image: url ('../images/sampledata/asimages/slider/slide6.png'); in the style.custom.css, but it doesn't work.
Regards, Werner
AS Templates
POSTED: 2014-01-14
We are sorry, the slider doesn't have such option, but in your case probably you can use just an image instead of the slider.
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I've bought and installed the template via the quick installation. After that I installed SobiPro.
As configured, I have on as-position-5 the AS Art Slider General. The modul should appear on all pages except "Home". Now I've the phenomenon, that the slider is ok here:
but not here:
The only difference is, that the URL is slightly longer.
Do yuo have an advice, what the problem could be?
Regards, Werner
We think you have some conflict between jQuery libraries, on the second page as well doesn't work our menu on mobile devices.
Sorry, our support team can't help you in this case, it should be investigated, you have contact the extension developer or ask for our services.
Regards, AS Team.
background-image: url ('../images/sampledata/asimages/slider/slide6.png'); in the style.custom.css, but it doesn't work.
Regards, Werner
We are sorry, the slider doesn't have such option, but in your case probably you can use just an image instead of the slider.
Regards, AS Team.