Joomla! Template 002060 - Item Support


I bought the template AS002060.

I have a question about the copyright.
Where can i change the name?

When i change the name in Global Configuration, copyright will change.
I don't want to change the name of the website. Only the copyright.
You can do it by editing template's index.php file, please see lines 309-318.

Regards, AS Team.
What are the costs of the template after 1 year (Expiration Date)?

It will be extended by one year?

Kind regards,

Marjon Verhoeven
The license grants you access to download the item/design for a period of 365 days after the date of purchase. During this period, the item/design will be upgraded regularly and your license grants you permission to download these upgrades. After your license expires, you may continue to use the templates your entitlements allow for, so the templates are not time-limited.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, i want to install a component but i didm't see the manager.
When i click on it i can't instap a extension.

Please help me.

Kind Regards,

We think you do not have permissions, please be sure your user is set as Super User.

Regards, AS Team.
Beste AS Templates,

Tot mijn verbijstering is de contact pagina verdwenen.
Ik heb niets gewijzigd. Kunnen jullie mij vertellen wat er aan de hand is?

Grt Marjon Verhoeven
We are sorry, your license for our free support is expired, you may extend it from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Vreemd ik heb een probleem met een template die na 1 jaar gebreken geeft moet ik het verlengen. Dit is toch iets wat onder garantie valt????
Ik heb meerdere templates bij jullie gekocht en nergens geen problemen mee. Plots verdwijnt er iets en dan moet ik het verlengen???
Sorry, we do not know what happened with your website, we think you or your hosting company performed some updates, this issue should be investigated.

Regards, AS Team.
Het werkte perfect. En het heeft niets met de hosting company te maken. Waneer ik er een afbeelding in zet werkt het wel maar hij laat de adres gegevens niet zien op de website. Ik ben ten einde raad.
De template die ik in het verleden gedownload heb, heb ik op een test URL geplaatst maar doet helemaal niets meer.
Hello AS Team,

I bought this template a few years ago.
But i have a lot of errors im my template.
Need I buy a new license to solve this problem?
And i have another question. Can i update to PhP 8.0 with this template. When i do that i have a white screen. With PHP 7.4 all is ok.

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 80

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 56

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 64

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 72

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 80

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 75

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 22

Deprecated: The behavior of unparenthesized expressions containing both '.' and '+'/'-' will change in PHP 8: '+'/'-' will take a higher precedence in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 26

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 22

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 26

Kind regards,

We are sorry, the template is not compatible yet with the latest PHP version 8.x, we are working on it.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you AS Templates. I will wait for a update.
And not compatible with PhP tiger than 7.0. When I update it to 7.2 I have this error message:

Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/u123741p119999/domains/ on line 80

How can I solve this problem? Do I need to buy a new license for this problem?

Kind regards,

The issue was fixed in the one of the latest updates:

If your license is expired you need to extend it from your AS account.
Regards, AS Team.
Thank you AS Team
Item Name:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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