Joomla! Template 002061 - Item Support

What is your site url please?

Regards, AS Team.

I renamed the menu to Us Fail so its clear that is the one not working.

This one and the 'blog' are not working and they are the only menu items that have been changed.

Once you have had a look could you please remove the link to my website.

Hi ASTeam,

I recieved response from the blog developers who have said
"I have checked your site and it seems like the issue happened to guest user only while the registered user can use this dropdown menu without problem. It seems like this menu is come from /modules/mod_as_menu/js/script.js which gives: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'serial' of undefined."

This component is built in the template right? It only exists when i change the menu item to another type to include the blog extension or to use the 'us fail' menu item and only when in the front end with no login used.

I hope this extra information helps find a solution.

Kind Regards,
We need an access to your Joomla admin panel for checking this issue, the info please put in the Special info area under your purchased items section of your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

I have put access information in the special info area as requested.

Please remove the link to my website from my previous post when you have checked it.

Kind Regards,
We checked your site, it doesn't work when you are using some Blank component which probably is the reason of java script conflict, our suggestion is to replace it with a Featured menu item type with 0 (zero) articles, columns and links, we did these changes for you, everything is working just fine.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

In the meantime i have been working on speeding up the page load times and increasing page speed and yslow scores and have come across the need to specify image dimensions to:

http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/blank.gif (Dimensions: 1 x 1) (8 uses)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/installation.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/maintaining.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/planning.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/repairs.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/templates/as002061/images/logo.png (Dimensions: 400 x 74)

Where can i set image dimension for these? Will this affect other settings like bootstrap or mobile device ability?

I notice that image slider 3 and the logo are currently serving scaled images and wondered if they would be affected.

Thanks so much for all of your patience and support!

Kind Regards,
The dimensions you can change using image editor like PhotoShop.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

Thanks for te help with the Menu Items. I have the same issue with the blog section which i assume is because the extension javascript is clashing with the template. Any suggestions on that one?

I understand how to change the image size but from the code or website perspective how can i 'specify image dimensions' to reduce load time and increase page speed?

It looks like you have caching on your server, we think we fixed the issue with menu java script, but because of the caching we can't check it, lets do it tomorrow.
The second error msg is not related to our products, it is located in the
'/plugins/system/jch_optimize/assets2/jscss.php', try to disable this plugin.

Regards, AS Team.
Sorry ASTeam,

I should have repeated the images i am trying to specify dimensions for are:
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/blank.gif (Dimensions: 1 x 1) (8 uses)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/installation.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/maintaining.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/planning.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/images/sampledata/asimage/featured/repairs.png (Dimensions: 84 x 84)
http://'mydomain'/templates/as002061/images/logo.png (Dimensions: 400 x 74)

These were listed in the GTmetrix tests.

Also could you please remove the previous post with my website listed.

The dimensions you may to change using any image editor.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi ASTeam,

Thanks, hopefully it works tomorrow, could you please let me know if the change didn't work.

Also with the images- I understand how to change the image size in photoshop or any other image editor but from the code or website perspective how can i 'specify image dimensions' to reduce load time and increase page speed? There is some kind of css or code somewhere that is not defined with an image height and width and because of that my rating is not as high as it could be.

All images in percentages, because it is responsive template, so each image should be changed accordingly to the device resolution, means you do not have such option in the template, but, it doesn't mater what is the image dimensions when you need to reduce the load time, in this case it is important the image size.

Regards, AS Team.
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