Joomla! Template 002062 - Item Support


Please provide us with site URL.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, As-team,

I now placed the site url to my account information - hope you can get to see the issues.

I asked before how does one change the background color of the page. Since then I have removed the background image and changed the background color to white but there still is a gradient black "shadow" that needs to go.
I also want to change the header white aswell - and then of course, since the background is white, all the texts need to be dark gery or black in the header, menu and body - where deo I do that?

- Susanna

For the customization services please use following page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, AS Team!

I'm having hard time on the gallery page:

The modules configuration does not include the gallery page module which shows the articles in categories our guys and sexy girls. I have replaced the pictures and texts, but for obvious reasons I also need to change the category names. So what is the module?

In case you need the URL it's in my account information and in the special info are the sign up -passwords.

- Susanna

You can find it in Content -> Articles -> Gallery category

Regards, AS Team.
Hello again, Team!

I'm doing quite fine with the template now, but I have two more issues:

Where in this template is the htaccess.txt -file which needs to be renamed to .htaccess in order to clean up the urls?

And what might have happened to make the googlemap-plugin vanish from the page? I have altered some information in the contacts-component but have not touched the googlemap adjustments.

The URL is in my account info

- Susanna

1. htaccess.txt you can find in Joomla root directory.

2. You deleted Google Map code from Miscellaneous Information in Contacts component.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, Team and thank you!
Now how do I find and insert the Google map code again to make the google map appear on the page? Is it the same embed link that you get from the google map -site?

- Susanna

We recommend to install quickstart package and use it like a manual for the all available modules configurations.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 3 Product
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