Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support


I've made a new content text and link this in a costumer modul on footer position. The link is working but it open always on the home site with the modules on home site.

What can I do to open it in a new area without homescreen?

Thank you.
Hello MEMELE23,
You have to create a menu item for your article, then you will be able to manage module assignment and open it as a separate page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS-Team,

we would like to widen the frame on position 5 to have a horizontally full screen. Is this possible with this template? What can we do?

Thank you forward.
Hello MEMELE23,
What is your website url and the page where do you need to make the changes?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team,

website url
Do you need the

backend login ?

Hello MEMELE23,
Just checked your website, it looks good, have you managed to resolve the problem?

Regards, AS Team.

no I think you didn't fully understand the problem. I just want to change the slider. He should no longer be locked up in a box. Rather, it should go across the entire width of the screen. The rest of the template is great, we just want to update it over time. And to do this, the slider should simply be changed optically.
Can you adjust this in the template so that the slider extends across the entire width of the screen?

Since we like the template so much, we don't want to take another one.

Kind regards
Hello MEMELE23,
We are sorry, the slider width is fixed, the template does not have an option to resize it to the full page width, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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