Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support


i bought the template and i have a problem to create a content site.
The problem is, that i put a image in the backend editor and select the size with for example width="300" height="324".

But in the Front End, the image is shown in the original size..

In all other templates the image is shown in 300 x 324.

Can anybody help me?

Thank you very much.
Hello WOCE1982,
What is your site url please? We have to see this issue.

Regards, AS Team.

the site is normally offline till it is finished. But i take it online, that you can see it:

For example:

Only 1 image with the code im backend-editior:
<p><img src="images/leistungen/kompetenz.jpg" alt="kompetenz" width="300" height="324" />

But the image is always shown in the original size.

Thank you for your soon help!
Hello WOCE1982,
In the tmpl.default.css file please find the following class and delete/edit the width property:

.item_img img,
.category_img img,
.item_fulltext img,
.random-image img,
aside .img-intro__left img,
aside .img-intro__right img
width: auto;

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you. Now it works. :-)

I have one other question. Around all picture, there is a grey line.
Can i delete this in the tmpl.default.css, too?
Hello WOCE1982,
Yes, please look for the following class and delete/edit the border property:
.img-intro-none img,
.item_fulltext img, .random-image img,
.nspArt img.nspImage
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD !important;
display: inline-block;
margin-bottom: 25px;
max-width: 99%;

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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