Joomla! Template 002063 - Item Support

Hi, Got the template up and running in no time; great!
But I have got an issue with the Home page. The 4 boxes (Business Consulting, Business Analyst, etc) with the Read More button open a new page in your Demo. I have installed the 'full Sample DB' but the two right boxes are placing the contents of the page in the Home page as a new row.
How can I make all boxes behave like the two on the left (or simply the same as on your demo)?
We think you did not set column bootstrap size, the parameter you can find under module advanced options, all available parameters you can see here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, Thanks four quick response. No, all parameters are the same for all the 4 boxes, but the Module Class Suffix which is featured-1 to featured-4 respectively.
Have a look at the hyperlink when you hover the mouse over the 4 different Read More buttons or images...
The Bootstrap Size simply changes the size of the boxes.
Hi guys, did you get a chance to have a look at this yet? Thanks
We checked your site in all browsers, the size is still the same, try to clean your browser cache, or preview your site on another PC.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, it is not a size problem... when you click on the More buttons of the 4 different boxes it is redirecting you to a new page only on the box 1 and box 2 but not on box 3 and box 4.
We have refreshed and tried on different PC's and Mac's.

this was the issue:
Hi, Got the template up and running in no time; great!
But I have got an issue with the Home page. The 4 boxes (Business Consulting, Business Analyst, etc) with the Read More button open a new page in your Demo. I have installed the 'full Sample DB' but the two right boxes are placing the contents of the page in the Home page as a new row.
How can I make all boxes behave like the two on the left (or simply the same as on your demo)?
You have to create a menu items for the rest of your articles like you have for two first articles.

Regards, AS Team.
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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