Joomla! Template 002065 - Item Support

Hi, I recently purchased template 002065, a.k.a Paradise, multi-domain. I'm trying to setup a localhost test site with the Quickstart zipfile, with test data. After entering all necessary stuff in the 3 screens, I ckick the Install button and, after a while, the third sceeen is displayed again and the install never happens. Any ideas of what I may have overlooked anywhere ? Thanks,

Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
Please be sure your localhost meets Joomla requirements, for more info please see 'Server Requirements for Supporting Joomla! 3.x' table at the bottom of the following page:

Regards, AS Team.
It works like a charm without the initial sample data. However, I'd really like to use the sample data.
Hello CHRISTIAN1776,

Did you check recommended PHP settings:
max_execution_time = 300

Regards, AS Team.
OK that was the problem. After more carefully doing my homework, I found max_execution_time was set to 30 instead of the recommended 300. That fixed it. Thanks, have a great night.
Hi dear AS Templates Team,

There are a few icons I need to add to the social menu : youtube, TripAdvisor and possibly more in the future. I know how to add links to the social menu. What puzzles me is where do I add an icon for the link ? The only place I found in the links of the social menu has a "blank.gif" image, which is 1x1 pixel. There's probably something I've overlooked, but ...what ? Where ?

That being said, after that I will need to change the background and hover colors in the tmpl.default.css styleshteet, but this, I have found.

As usual, your help is gratefully appreciated.
Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
In this template we used bootstrap icons like, as example see one of the social menu items under Link Type tab -> Link Class parameter, here you can find more info how to work with Joomla menu items:

Bootstrap doesn't have icon for TripAdvisor, but for youtube you can use 'icon-youtube' icon, all icons you can find in the bootstrap.css file, just make search for 'icon-'

Regards, AS Team.
While you were busy replying me, I was busy understanding the bootstrap.css stylesheet, and I have found the Youtube / Youtube-2 items. Like they say, great minds think alike.

Thanks a lot for the reply.
Hi again !

I'm trying to add some information at the bottom of the page, somewhere between the copyright notice, which I'd like to tweak a little, and the terms menu. I can't find a position where I could add a custom module showing the legalese I need to add company registration number, insurance number, things like that, should be like 3-4 short lines. Position 35 inserts my custom module under the terms menu.

Did I overlook anything ?

As usual, your help is appreciated. Thanks in anticipation.
Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
Did you try to set column size in your module?

Regards, AS Team.
I had not. Now I'm playing with various column sizes for both modules in position 35, but the problem is that they are displayed on top of each other, not side by side. Another thing I am missiing ? Or should I just

Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
It's not online at this moment,. I use a test/dev site hosted on a xampp stack on my laptop. Sorry about that.
Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
In this case we will not be able to help you, we have to see your website source code.

Regards, AS Team.
I'll do that ASAP an I'll let you know when it's online, then.
Hi again !

I need some help styling the readmore link in the category featured articles view. Ideally, I need to remove the image entirely and replace it with a styled text link. However, I can't add a class to the hr readmore link in the article itself. And the btn, btn-info and readmore classes are used in other places, so if I edit them, I'm certainly going to break other things.

Any ideas of what I could try to do to change this link without breaking anything else ?

Thanks in anticipation.
Hi !

I'm trying to unpublish the module that contains the articles "Our Advantages" and "Time to Relax". According to a .../?tp=1 display, that module should be in position 21 ... except that, when I list modules by position, I find nothing at 21. Am I mistaken ? Did I overlook anything ?

I've also tried to unpublish these articles. That work, to some extent : they effectively disappear from the home page, but a "placeholder" remains, which is not exactly what I want. I've also try to "unfeature" those two articles (they are both listed as featured articles in the "Home" category). That works too, with the same "placeholder" being left over.

What would you suggest ?

Thanks in anticipation.
Hello CHRISTIAN1776,
We have to see your website in case to help you.

Regards, AS Team.
More on previous item :

I found positions 20, 21 and 22 nowhere. It seems they are hidden somewhere, unaccessible, and only visible when doing a ?tp=1 display. Don't have any clue what that means.
Hi !

Is there a feature to display a popup window in the template ? Or should I just add a specific popup Joomla! extension ?

Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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