Joomla! Template 002066 - Item Support

Good morning,
I have intalled the template as002066 first manually and then using Quickstart package, but the Splash page doesn't seem to be working, is it because I've choosen multilingual option in order to have a multilingual web site? How can I have the Splash page working on my multilingual web site? also the super fish menu show not compact but exspanse.
You have to create the Splash page for each of your language.
Please check the following article, it should help you:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS, i know Just this article. The site have the two language for splash page and i have the main menù for languages it and en. Look the site i have Just put the credentials for login in special area. Tank’s a lots.
Sorry, the username and password your provided not working.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, try again. Now i try ti access and it's ok
You have to create the splash pages your default home pages, currently your default home pages under Main Menu (EN) and Menu Principale, detailed documentation you can see here:

Or you can ask for our customization services here:

Regards, AS Team.
ok. But I have just created the splash pages but i put for default language my first language in one : IT but when i put in other the second language EN then show this error :
Save failed with the following error: A menu should contain only one Default home.
I think that joomla show this error because i defined the two splash page in same menu. i think. thank's a lot. I want a spash page with the language menu.
You may ask for our services here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, yesterday i follow your post and i have just resolved the multipage splashpage but the art-superfish menu is not compact but expanded and i set on preference for compact. Tank's a lot for your support.
What do you mean by 'is not compact but expanded'?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS, than ... the sub-menus voice don't show. Show only when I click same your example. Tank's a lot.
Sorry, still not understand the problem, can you please provide us with a screenshot, the screenshot you can upload on your server and let us know the url.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS, it's very fine ... go to and you show that show the principal voice of menu and the sub-voice of menu. I wan't to show the principal voice in the menu... example for your Harvest Hills : home, about us, also show home, home2, ecc ecc. Tank's a lot for your support.
It is because all of them published in Main Root, for sub items yo have to change the parent item, please see how we did for 'blog 1 column' item under item details in the menu (right) column.

Regards, AS Team.
It'[s true and it's incredible that I didn't see this things. Tank's a lot.
Hi AS, Now i have a trouble with as art-slider. Don't show on splashpage the button navigation on over and don't clik over link and over title. It's very stange, can you help me ?
We are sorry, your website is very slow, it takes a lot of time to load one page.

Regards, AS Team.
Hi, As
Yes, is possible because the site load in a local server and i use this only for local test. But this days i'have a lan slow but if you try to connect after 18.00 is more fast than I unpublish some image for the slider for to faster site so is possible to show the trouble. Tank's a lot.
Hi As, have you a solution for my trouble with art-slider. Tank's a lot.
Now the site is more fast.
Still the same problem, we cannot preview your website.

Regards, AS Team.
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Joomla 5 Product
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