Hi there!
Just noticed that the Template is incompatible with the FAQ PRO Extension by Minitek.gr
The Template is corrupting the first and last category entries.

See here: http://bit.ly/1ojZPs4

If you click on "German" or "Spanish" (First and Last Category of FAQ), then they wont open. But the one in the middle opens correctly.

If you look into the code you see that the template (ASTEMPLATE) is adding classes "firstItem" or "lastItem". Therefore the category links are not working.

Quoting Minitek Support:
"Your template disables the links with the classes 'firstItem' and 'lastItem' and this is a really bad code practice from the template.

This is something that is caused by your template, not from the extension. You should ask support from the template provider for this issue
as the component does not cause the problem."

I know there is no fast solution. But maybe you could help me anyway. Thanks.