1. How do we show the Top2 position (Social and contact).
2. How to remove the settings gear from front-end.
3. Can we uninstall K2, as it is not required.
POSTED: 2016-03-22
1. You just go to Template Settings, open tab 'Layout' and create new Row, then drop this new Row to top. After that, you select two columns (50% - 50%) for this row. For each columns, you select position 'top1' and 'top2'.
2. You go to Template Settings, open tab 'Custom Code' and remove all code in that fields.
3. You can uninstall K2 by go to Admin > Extensions > Managers, continue click to link 'Manages' at the left of side, search for keyword 'K2', select all items and click to uninstall. If you want to hide it, just disable it instead for uninstall.
Thank you,
POSTED: 2016-03-22
Under Layout, there is no option of adding new row
POSTED: 2016-03-22
Just click [+] above any block to add new Row http://take.ms/RgTF1
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2. How to remove the settings gear from front-end.
3. Can we uninstall K2, as it is not required.
1. You just go to Template Settings, open tab 'Layout' and create new Row, then drop this new Row to top. After that, you select two columns (50% - 50%) for this row. For each columns, you select position 'top1' and 'top2'.
2. You go to Template Settings, open tab 'Custom Code' and remove all code in that fields.
3. You can uninstall K2 by go to Admin > Extensions > Managers, continue click to link 'Manages' at the left of side, search for keyword 'K2', select all items and click to uninstall. If you want to hide it, just disable it instead for uninstall.
Thank you,
Just click [+] above any block to add new Row http://take.ms/RgTF1
I have added the google maps plugin and configured it with the location settings.
On this page, the map is showing correctly, but there is a big print icon above it.
How to remove that
Please open file 'default.css', go to line 111 and search for
img {
width: 100%;
and remove it.
Thank you,
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
Thank you :)
Next time, please check problem carefully before to send support request.
Have a good day!
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.
Position Top 1 & Top 2 to be enabled for all pages through the template.
SP Portfolio is not working properly.
Can you submit screenshot about problem to email admin@ltheme.com, so I can help you check it easier.
BTW, do you want to enable 'top1' and 'top2' position only for some pages, not all pages?
Thank you,
WIll do the e-mail
I set social icons and contact show on top of your page, at position 'top1' and 'top2' for all pages, pleas recheck it.
For portfolio problem, our developer is checking it for you, please follow up email that you sent us to get response from us.
Thank you,
It will be published after it has been approved by the Website Administrator.