Joomla! Template 002074 - Item Support

Hello, its possible find the same pictures as in template? Especialy backside Picture? Thank you.
Hello PETR1979,
Have you installed this template using quick-start installation package? After installing the package your site will look exact like our demo preview with all images. The quick-start package is actually the template documentation. If by some reason you can't install it on your live server you can install on some demo server or demo folder and then preview all settings.
The package should be installed like regular Joomla installation, here you can find some more info:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I tried install tamplate using as002074_Quick-start installation package, but whith this answer: "Can not find file Joomla XML setup". I installed over Extensions -> Extension Manager -> Install". Thank you for help.
Thanks so much, I tried install as you told me and pages works! If I have any quiestions a I will ask you. Thank you. Petr
Hello, please I have a quiestions:

1. Where is possible change logo "HAIR CARE"?
2. I have Joomla in English language, but during instalation a set Czech? Where is possible change?
3. In position-6 - how can I change the size of letter?

Hello, I found how can I change the logo - its OK.
But please can you tel me how can I change:

1. the background Picture in tamplate?

2. the map in contact?

3. text in tamplate from english to czech - for example in contact - "Send an Email. All fields with an * are required." - change this text?

4. language in joomla (from english to czech)?

5. in "about us" - "our staff" - there are 3 colums and I need add 1 colums?

Thanks so much

Hello PETR1979,
What is your site url please, we have to see it in case to help you.
For installing Czech language please see the following page:

Regards, AS Team.

my site url:, pages are under construction. I succesfully installed czech language - thank you. Petr
Hello PETR1979,
1. The background pictures you can change by selecting another images in modules published in position 3:
2. The location you can change by editing longitude and latitude parameters under the GoogleMap plugin location settings tab, for all available options please see the plugin documentation:
5. Change number of columns you can in your Joomla admin panel -> Menus -> Main menu -> Menu item (About Us) -> Blog Layout -> Columns.

Regards, AS Team.
Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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