Joomla! Template 002076 - Item Support

I am trying to change the page background image to another image or even to a solid color. I think I found it in template.less file and tried to change the value just to see if the image went away but I receive 406 error every time I try to change the file.

How do I change that background image?


The background can be changed using 'Select a Background Image' parameter under appropriate extension Options tab. All these modules you can find in your Joomla admin panel -> Extensions -> Module Manager page in position 3.

Regards, AS Team.
Awesome.. found it. Thanks!
Hello, I am a paid user. I am having a big issue with the carousel that is either a bug or my settings are off.

If you go here and scroll to the bottom

You will see the Carousel starts off not lined up correctly and the text seems to be slightly to the left of where it should be and the bigger problem is that the text showing below the image is not correct. The wrong text is showing up for each image.

The girl with the red scarf is Brittany, and the boy standing in front of the car is Muhammad.

It seems that all the text is two images behind. Have you seen this before and fixed? The current installed site is from the 1.0 quickstart I believe and I tried reinstalling the carousel but did not see any change. I also tried installing the 2.0 template which I have downloaded but it says that there is already a template with that name so I guess the xml is not set up for updating? Do I need to uninstall the template and reinstall?

Thank you,
We are sorry, your license for our support is expired, the license you can extend from your AS account.

Regards, AS Team.
Thanks for getting back so fast. I have done some more testing and it seems that as long as Number of Articles under Basic Options is at 5 and that Max and Min Items are each at 5, it works great. Once I change Number of articles to 6 or 7, the display gets messed up and the correct text does not show up anymore.

I will extend the license if you think you can fix this. Please let me know.

Hello AS Team... I am just checking in to see if you think you will be able to fix or help me fix the issue if we sign up for support? I saw that the demo you guys have also only has 5 articles repeating itself as well.

We will gladly sign up if you believe you will be able to make the carousel work with more than 5 articles but only show 5 at a time.

Thanks for an awesome template! My boss is very happy with it.

The carousel is designed for 5 items/articles only.

Regards, AS Team.
Ok, good to know! I will let my boss know. I already told stakeholders that this may be the case and they were totally cool with it.


Item Name:
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 3 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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