Joomla! Template 002077 - Item Support

I bought the very nice template AS002077 and I began my web site. I have 2 technical questions...
The first question is about the Slide on the home page : I created new articles to make the various slide, that's OK. But on a few slide when I click " to read more ", the buttons of navigation from above do not work any more on the page which opens. I cannot return to the homepage by clicking on the button "Home" or on any page.
I noticed that the address in the address bar is different : with "...index.php / slider-1" it works well, but some page have for address "... index.php / 14-home-slider / 63-slider-2 " and the buttons of navigation do not work.
The second question concern the display of the Gallery : It do' nt want to have all the objects of all categories when I click on "Gallery" but only the objects of the 1st category ("Lorem") and the choice of the others categories then (Ipsum and Dolor) : (Portofilo von template AS002077 without the category "All"). It's possible or not ?
Regards, Joelle

What is your site url please? Have you installed it using quick-start installation package?

Regards, AS Team.
Yes, I installed it using quick-start installation package.
The site URL is :

Regards, Joelle
You have to check the slider 2 source code, it seems you have some missed closed tags, as well you have to create a menu item for your second slider like it is done for other sliders.
If you will not be able to find the problem please provide us with an access to your Joomla admin panel, the access info please put in the Special info area under your Purchased items section of your AS account.
Sorry, not quite understand the second question, can you please provide us with more info?

Regards, AS Team.
I'm not abble to find the problem so I give you an access info for my Joomla admin panel in the special info area.
Concerning the 2nd question :
I wouldn't mix everything (ceramics and paintings) when the gallery displays. I wish I could not have all the Gallery objects that appear at the opening of the page "Creations" ("Gallery"). Is it possible to show only the articles of the first sub-category (ceramics, raku) of the category Gallery and the buttons to select the other 5 subcategories ?

Regards, Joelle
I found the solution of my 1st problem concerning the slider.
Can you please look now for my 2nd question? Thank you.

Regards, Joelle
We are sorry, the gallery does not have such option, it should be developed.

Regards, AS Team.
I have a problem with the display of images in the Gallery with this Template and I noticed that the problem also exists on your demo site : At the opening of the Gallery page (not from the Home page but from other pages), the images are not displayed, - whatever the display mode. Only the brown funds with the titles appear. It is necessary to scroll with the mouse then the images appear.
With your last template AS002082 this problem of displaying the Gallery does not exist...
Could you please have a look on my website? To reach the gallery (from other pages than the homepage), you must click on “Oeuvres”, and then choose “Céramiques”. Thank you
I have put an access to the administration for you in my Special Info area.
Regards, Joelle
Thank you for noticing about this issue, we believe it will be resolved next week.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
If this problem of displaying the Gallery does not exist on your last template AS002082, is it sufficient to change the module by that which exists in the pack of this last template? Or the module for the display has not changed?

Best regards, Joëlle
The problem was resolved in the latest template version, you can download it from your AS account and update files accordingly to the release page:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
Thank you for your good work.
I only uninstalled the plugin Lazy Load image and the problem of displaying the Gallery was resolved.
I did not change anything with the other files of the Template because when I change the file templates/as002077/css/tmpl.default.css, the images of the page Blog are not shown anymore.
But as the site works well without changing these files, I leave as it is. What do you think about this, it’s OK?

Best regards, Joëlle
Yes, if everything is working fine you do not need to make any additional changes.

Regards, AS Team.
Thank you very much, you are the best, your templates and extensions are great !
Congratulations for your work !

Best regards, Joëlle
Hello AS Team,
Thank you for your nice Template, my Website was working well with Joomla 3.4.5.
But since the Joomla update to Joomla 3.4.7 and 3.4.8 I have a problem with the Slider on the home page : The autoscrolling hangs at the 2nd slide. I well mentioned that there are 5 Slide to show. We can scroll with the navigation arrows but the autoscrolling don't works well now. It was OK with joomla 3.4.5.
I have another problem : On the home page bei clicking on any link from the menu at the top, it works only one time and we can reach the desired area from the home page. But then bei clicking again on a link from the top menu it doesn't works anymore. And the addresses of the links are good...I have this problem only on the home page since the Joomla update !
Could you please see what happens because of this Joomla update ?
You can found an access to my Joomla admin panel in in my special info area.
Best regards, Joelle
2015-10-06 we released a new template version which should fix a problem with your slider and menu, please download the latest version from your AS account and upload the changed files on your server via FTP, the list of changed files you can find here:

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team
Thank you for your answer. I changed all the files and the problem with the menu is fixed but not with the slider
I installed again the site on my computer after downloading the latest version of the Template by choosing the "as002077_quickstart" and the problem of the slider is still there.
What could I try now ?
Regards Joelle
You missed to upload css/sequence.css file, now everything is working fine, please check.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS Team, Thank you for your help !
The problem was well this file "css/sequence.css". I downloaded in the site on my computer this file which you changed and it works also now. Thank you. But this is not the same file that is in the new template version I downloaded today.
Best regards, Joelle
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Joomla 5 Product
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