Joomla! Template 002079 - Item Support

Hello AS,
The overall colour at the quickstart package is orange #ff5e0f. How i can change this colour all over?
Thanks in forward.
Regards, Grafiek
It can be changed by editing css files. You can easy determinate the file which should be changed and the css class by installing and using Firebug plugin or DevTools:

For more info please see the following article:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,
Okay. I have to do it one by one.
Two more questions about Module position 6;
- I don't want to have a hyperlink under the text and image (in both articles). How/where i can switch it off?
- In the demo there are the text WELCOME TO RESTAURANT & ABOUT THE RESTAURANT. Can i make it in one rule in stead off three, can i make the whole rule in one color in stead off orange and black?
Thanks in forward, Grafiek
Hello AS,

1-Module position 6;
I don't want to have a hyperlinks under the text and image (in both articles). How/where i can disable that or switch it off?
2-Module postion 31;
When you click the hyperlink, the page is opening in a screen with many others (articles and modules). I want only that specific one page (article).
3-The menu is not working well at smartphone (iPhone 6). by visiting there is the just hamburger menu. But after tipping it, the menu text is not appearing. Only if you tipping somewhere in the black space.
Thanks in forward.
Best regards,
1. What is your website url and page where you need to disable links.
2. You have to create a menu item for your article, then you will be able to manage modules assignment.
3. What is your website url?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS,
1. & 3. Temporary:
2. You mean an invisible menu with menu items?
(After update still the same problem with menu on smartphone (iPhone6)).

1. We are sorry, the module does not have an option to disable the hyperlinks, it should be developed.
2. Yes, you have to create invisible menu.
3. We are checking the issue with menu.

Regards, AS Team.
The issue with the menu is fixed, thank you for noticing about it. Please download the latest version from your AS account and replace updated files accordingly to the template release log:

Regards, AS Team.
Hi AS,
I renewed the subscription yet :-)
1-The captcha/recaptcha is not working. Of course i have filled in the generated Google's site and secret key.
2-Google Maps is not working/loading.
What to do?
Thanks in forward
What is your website url please? Did you check the documentation?

Regards, AS Team.
Hello AS,
url is
ReCaptcha - 1;I fill in the keys in the plugin. 2;But there is also a the Contact module (at pos-24). I also fill in the both keys in that place. Still not working.
At the frontend is dispalying ReCaptcha V1 is shutdown (see yourself). I am using V2. It's by default in the template also V2. So, very weird. It seems it is a very old plugin used 3.4.0 from dec. 2011.
Google Maps - These days you have to make a registration at 'Google Maps Platform'. And you have to pay monthly to get a API Key!
I have done that, it seems it works.
Yes, i read the documentations, But they are old and not up-to-date descriptions.
Regards, Grafiek
Hello AS,
In case of post 2018-07-26; I didn't hear anything.
We are sorry, the contact extension is not working yet with Google Captcha 2, we are in process of development of a new extension, it will take some time.

Regards, AS Team.
How long?
Is there another extension (another party) in case of this one to use?
I am frightened that it will cost a long time (weeks?).
Regards, Grafiek
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Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
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