i create website with this template website www.analazovski.com and it works perfectly. The only problem i have is with mobile version - the slider is not working. Where or how i can turn on the slider on mobile version? Where are other settings for mobile version?
Nice day,
AS Templates
POSTED: 2017-10-25
Please see '/templates/as002090/css/media.480.css' file the following class (line 13):
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i create website with this template website www.analazovski.com and it works perfectly. The only problem i have is with mobile version - the slider is not working. Where or how i can turn on the slider on mobile version? Where are other settings for mobile version?
Nice day,
Please see '/templates/as002090/css/media.480.css' file the following class (line 13):
#slider-row {
display: none;
Regards, AS Team.