Joomla! Template 002090 - Item Support

At the position "as-copyright" I find no modul in the extensions. I want to change or delete the slogan "architecture solutions and design" - how can I do this? At last - is it possible to place o logo at the left corner beneath the site name?
What is your website url please?

Regards, AS Team.
The site is planned for the domain, but not in use yet. I test it at
You can hide/show or edit the text using the template parameters, you can find it under Footer Layout tab.

Regards, AS Team.
In which file will I find the "Footer Layout Tab"? And in which css-file can I change the color of the slider title? And what about my question, if I could place a logo beside the site-Title?
Ok, found all answers.
Hello AS Team,
2 more questions
- can I reduce the minimum of characters in a textaerea (AS Contact Form)
- in sequence.css ifound out how to chace the font-size of sliderTitle, bit I mus be blind - I didn't find out, how to change the font-color of sliderTitle.
Regards, Bert
1. You can do it by editing "\modules\mod_as_contact_form\tmpl\default.php" file. line 66, please look for '{minlength: 50}' and change it.
2. Please look for it in the "/css/sequence.css" file line 119 and line 130.

Regards, AS Team.
Hello, I use the Template AS 002090 but if I click the Link "Click here to ask your questions." I come to the support site of Template AS 002089. I asked for help there and my question was published three days ago, but till now I got no answer so i ask my question here now.

My problem is, that I built a website based on AS 002090 for a friend of mine on one of my own domains It's not complete but nearly ok so I decided to transfer it to my friends domain (same provider alfahosting). I think I made everything right (send the file folders by ftp, exported/imported the database, modified the config.php) but the as slider didn't work and when I started the administration-site I was not able to use the menu, so I could not change anything. So I installed a new Joomla instance with sample data (using quickstart). When I called up everything seemed to be ok, but when I created one more home slider (by save as copy), all 4 sliders were shown, but the read-more-link of the new slider was wrong. The links of the sample sliders had this pattern: ..../index.php/slider-1 etc. But the link of the new slider was ...../index.php/14-home/106-slider-4 and led to nowhere. Please take a look at (the running testversion) and then at I hope you can explain and solve the problem.
Over the weekend I installed Xampp on one o my pc's at home and tried the template here with the same results. I really need help.
Just now I tried to create a new slider at and noticed a new result: Here the read more link looked like this: ...../index.php/14-home/106-kulinarische-fuehrung-unterbruch and the article was shown but the slider too.
The slider on looks good, we can see the first slide with your image, have you able to manage the problem?

Regards, AS Team.
the slider-show is working well, but the problem are the read-more-links. If I install the template with sample data, there are three sliders. The aliases of these sliders are slider-1, slider-2, slider-3 and the read-more-links are etc. and lead to a site that shows the menu with a different background image, the breadcrumb and the content of the related article. But if I create more sliders ( by save as copy or by new article) the read-more-link will look like this and will bring me back to the beginning of the slider-show, not to the related article.

I installed the template also at home using the latest Xampp-Version and had the same results.
I hope, you can solve the problem.
Problem solved, I forgot to create new items at the slider menu.
Why do you not publish my comments?
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Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 5 Product
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
Extended License

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