Joomla! Template LT xMas Gift - Item Support

Hi, I downloaded the Xmas template, and applied it on my store the other days, but I had a big problem that my product detail page was so not displaying right. Following is the URL :

It was because all my products has very long descriptions, that makes it impossible to fit into the template, could you help me adjust the template for a balance display for the product detail?

Thanks in advance

BR Scott

PS, I've tried some of the LT templates related to shopping, they all have the same problem that it shows two scroll bar on the right, an that's really annoying.
Thanks for the replly, it works.
I use the quickstart for the installation, and I put a content module for the category menu
Following are my questions:
1. Since the category has only one level, the triangle icon on the right shouldn't be showed up.
2. When I clicked on the triangle icon, it shows : No subcategories,
3. When I click on the item name, it lead to the correct product list page, but the category disappear, to make it simple, I actually set the "menu assignment " to all pages, but in the product list page, the category menu still missing.
4. In socks product list, I enter the green sock (the first one) page, I can see the category menu
but if I enter the gray sock (the second one) page, I can not see the category menu, but these two product's seeing is 100% identical,
5. Though some product detail shows the category menu, but when enter, the menu expand, so still sees the "No subcategories",

Thanks in advance
Best Regards
The URL is
acc/pwd : admin/12345

Thanks in advance
Hi ,
Good day.
I want my price format to be 150 instead of 150,00.
How should I do this ?

Best Regards
Item Name:
LT xMas Gift
Item Version:
Supported Joomla:
Joomla 4 Product
$29.00 $21.75
Regular License
This item may be used for a single domain only.
$39.00 $29.25
Extended License

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